XXIII. Bubblegum

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Tessa Kade

Chapter 23: Bubblegum

"The doors just opened," Adam spoke from the door. I spun around in my chair, disrupting Hanna as she was in the process of dusting my face. Her grunt caused me to grin deviously at her, eyes turning to Adam who was still standing awkwardly in the cracked open doorway.

"Any sign of you-know-who?" I rose my brow.

The ass chuckled at me lightly and shook his head no, "He should be here soon -- according to Twitter that is."

"Go figure," I rolled my eyes, pushing my legs so the chair spun around again, "the dude's never got his eyes off his phone."

"Well for celebrities it's kind of a lifeline," Adam compromised from the door.

I gave him an abrupt snort, head shaking as I laughed in a mock, "Not for this one. I use it for two reasons," I said with two fingers up in the air, "the first being Dots - bless that game - and the second for keeping in touch with my family. Twitter is kind of pointless to me even though I can connect to my fans... it's just not that entertaining reading hate messages left and right."

"If you put it like that I guess it makes sense," He shrugged at me through the mirror.

"It makes perfect sense," I agreed, "Now, Adam dear, is there a private audience for sound check?"

I caught his eyes roll from a distance as I stared at my reflection. "Yes Madame Kade and they're quite eager."

Another grin broke on my face at his formal speech, "Then Sir Adam, alert the guards that I'll be gracing my peasants in five minutes and not a minute more."

"Of course, my queen." He bowed dramatically, arm cast across his waist as he backed away but not before shooting me a playful wink.

Quite literally five minutes later I was heading out on stage to a quieter roar of fans. There was about 50 of them, if not more. I was surprised to find a younger crowd than normal since my music was for teens and older. It was most likely an effect from being connected to Liam-the good fans becoming my own.

Despite myself I broke into a smile and waved at the younger ones, unable to resist how adorable they were. It's no secret that celebrities are much nicer to their younger fans, if they like kids that is. Given the fact that I have younger siblings it's kind of normal that I enjoy being around kids.

"Hey guys," I said through the mic, waving all the while. A loud uprising of hellos came back at me before a few screams entwined with it.

"So, do you want to hear a song or just have a chat?" I rose my brow, taking a seat in front of them. A specific brunette in front of me caught my eye first, her devious smile unforgettable since I took her picture with Liam on the beach.

For a second I contemplated actually saying something to her but figured it'd be best if I simply ignored her presence altogether. Instead I let my eyes wander around, staring at a few fans and waving until the signal was given for the first song.

"...well screw your rent, you clearly don't get it." With that I dropped my arm to my side, panting heavily as I smiled down at the small crowd.

"Was it okay?" I questioned them.

Nods and screams came back at me, smiles flying as I continued on to the next song with ease. It seemed to fly by, each song bringing sound check closer and closer to it's end. Before I knew it I was bidding a short farewell to the mass of girls and strolling off stage.

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