I. Vanilla

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Tessa Kade

Chapter 1: Vanilla 

"...and in more recent news it seems that world famous singer-song writer, Tessa Kade, had been at a Twitter war once again. Her earlier said best friend, Jase Russell, reportedly lashed out at Kade, thus springing the war."


"Tessa surely knows how to use her fighting words though, calling Jase's girlfriend out as well."

"I know I wouldn't want to get in that girls way!"

"Neither would I! I've got too much to live for!" 

"Oh would you turn that shit off," I snapped at my manager, Yasmin.

We were currently waiting for the designer to show up - whose probably trying to be fashionably late - but is honestly just getting on my nerves. The TV was turned onto a gossip channel and it wasn't much of a surprise that my name had been mentioned, I'm usually in the news at least once-if not twice-a month.  Typically it was all a bunch of crap that would get to my manager who would then scold me despite the fact her rants were falling on deaf ears.

"Why should I? You've made yet another mess that I have to clean up," she hissed back, turning up the volume so the too preppy hosts voices hit me full blast.

"Nobody tells you to clean it up," I say as I click my tongue and kick my feet up onto the large desk. My back is facing the TV and Yasmin, but I can hear the disappointment in all the voices being fed into my ears. 

It's like I can't please anyone nowadays. Not that it matters anymore. It stopped mattering when I turned 17, and since then anything I do is for shits and giggles or for defending myself. The last "war" I got into on Twitter was simply because Jase's girlfriend is a whore who doesn't know how to keep her legs shut. I'd caught her sucking off some guys face at the fourth of July party Jase threw and low and behold, the asshole didn't believe me since his slut of a lover claimed that I was lying because I "wanted him".

Seriously, the dude was my best friend when I entered the music business and you'd think the least he could do was trust me more. I'll admit I lie a little too much than I should but sometimes a girls gotta do what she's gotta do. When it comes to Jase though, I always tell the truth if it's a serious matter. Personally I believe there's two reasons he blew me off:

1) His fucking whore of a girlfriend

2) The fame hit him so hard he thinks he's the shit

At least I know what I got, recognize it, and don't let it go to my head even though people say that it does. Nobody knows what I went through to get to where I am, most of it revolving around a personality change that made me the bitch I am today. I'm not afraid to admit it though and that pisses people off to no extent. I've gotten a lot of fans asking what happened to the old me and that hurts but they've got to accept who I am. This is it, me in all my glory.

"Tessa? Tessa, are you even listening to me?" My manager's whiny voice broke through my thoughts.

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