IX. Cotton Candy

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Liam Payne

Chapter 9: Cotton Candy

"Mate, it's just a girl shut up about it already," Niall droned on as he came to a stop light.

From beside him I sent a glare jut as he glanced at me, "You don't get it though! I publicly apologized to her and don't even get a thanks. Did I tell you what she said at the cafe?"

"Yeah, only ten times," He rolled his eyes and made a left turn.

"I just, I can't believe that a girl could be such an enigma and beyond annoying like she is," I huffed, folding my arms over my chest.

He'd seen Tessa once, back when we had our movie premiere and his only comments were on how bold she was and that her hair was nice. Apparently I'm the only one of the five of us that noticed how completely insane the chick is. Harry even went as far as stating that she was "quite fit" and a "good match" for himself. That conversation only ended in me smacking the back of his head before I left early from the recording session.

"Liam, you know I care for you but you're thinking about this too much. Take a nice day off full of relaxation and chill out, you owe yourself that much," Niall spoke calmly as he pulled up in front of my flat.

I gave him a side ways glance before shaking my head with a shrug, "I'll try, see you soon, yeah?"

"Of course," He grinned, bumping my fist as I stepped out of the car, "Call me if you become a teenage girl again."

"Get out of here you bloke," I rolled my eyes, pushing the door shut and stepping away as he winked. For a second or so I watched him pull away but I turned towards my flat with the sudden rush of hunger surging through me. 

The hike up the stairs was short and before I knew it I found myself unlocking my flats door and staring into the cozy room around me. I shrugged out of my jacket and tossed it onto the couch in the living room, trailing my way back into the kitchen. Despite my movements to take out food for lunch I found my head wavering towards Tessa again.

It didn't matter what any of the boys said about her, she was always somewhere in the back of my mind. An ever constant reminder told me that she was rude and inconsiderate, unhealthy company and definitely someone I shouldn't waste my time on. Even though I knew all of this I still felt as if she needed me which is absolutely mental since she only ever cares for herself. She'd proved that point when she stressed that something as tiny as a friendship with myself would be a lie.

Hours after I'd left her at the cafe I kept on replaying how cold her voice was as she expressed her thoughts out to me. I knew that she was a cruel person and relied only on herself to stay at the top but to push out possibilities of friendship was crazy. Of course she'd been spotted out numerous times with Marina and then came out saying that the two were best friends. That didn't change how abnormally hurt I was when she rejected the idea I'd tossed out. 

I've been known to be a cookie cutter pop star and I thought that her being seen around with me would lighten up on her reputation. I felt like if I could get her to laugh, let alone open up, then the press would go easier and portray her as someone lovable rather than fierce and self absorbed. Then again I'd always been quick to never judge a book by it's cover whilst the press pushed the reality of Tessa on me. Turns out all the articles I'd ever read were true as much as I wished they weren't.

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