War is Won

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We all watched as Natsu was going out of existence because of the defeat of Zeref. We couldn't move we were so in shock that Natsu our funny loving and more importantly unbeatable friend is leaving...for good.His dramatic speach wasn't like others first he was just wide eyed realizing he can't fight his death and suddenly that idiot smiled and said with tears "Goodbye LUCY everyone it was fun while it lasted...live well and keep the guild strong"
We stood there crying for a while until Erza spoke up with all her strength "Come on let's go home"
"What the fuck" said Gray "Natsu is gone and you just want to automatically get up and move on!" And by that time he was in ger face a ger steaming inside him.........Gray I think you miss understood me but a war comes with sacrifices and we are lucky we only had to pay 1 (I know other people have died but let's stick to this) know let's stay strong like he said "I'm not asking you to forget just accept what happened...let's think positive...we won.Our sentimental smiles were interrupted by an voice "I beg to differ!" We all turned to see Eileen who was supporting herself with her staff

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