13. There Will Always Be The Kind That Criticise

Start from the beginning

We soon arrive, and the place looks decent. But now, after all of my 'experience', I know not to judge the outside of hotels. It could be a complete shit hole inside.

To my surprise, it's not; it's actually lovely. Instead of it being one of those typical hotels with typical picture frames and all those types of decorations, it has more of a 'homey' feel. There's a fireplace and the walls are made of visible red brick. I think I've fallen in love.

"This is awesome," I exclaim to anyone listening, as I plop my bags down on the floor.

"We thought so too," dad says. "Cheryl was telling me that you two were planning on going out for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, if that's ok with you?" I tread lightly, not wanting to upset my easily offended father.

"That sounds fine. It's 1 now, so how about we all relax for the rest of the day and then you two can go out at about 7? But you have to be back by 11 at the latest. I will still be up, you know me." Another thing about my dad: he's a real planner. He likes to have everything set up, everything planned out before it happens. Sometimes I'm like that, but I also have that kind of 'live in the moment' attitude. I think I got that from my mum.

"Ok, well I'm going to have a shower." I go to mine and Cheryl's little room that we will be sharing for the next couple of nights, and she's sitting on her bed, listening to music. Once I've walked in, she yanks out her headphones and sits up as straight as can be.

"You have to tell me everything. And I mean everything. And don't say that nothing happened, because I know it did. I just know. Don't ask me how. It's a sister thing."

"I'll tell you when we go out tonight. We can get all dressed up and have heaps of fun, ok?" She looks so excited, and it feels good to have made up for me not being with her on New Year's Eve. I know she was really upset about that. "I'm going to have a shower." I take my phone with me, wanting to turn it on and look at it in private. I grab my towel and head into the bathroom, and during that time my phone is turning on.

My heart is pounding.

I'm breathing heavily.

I'm very dramatic.

I hear a vibration once I've placed it on the bench.

From Harry: Hi Miller. Sorry about that. How about we meet on the 7th? Will you still be in London then? xxxH

Oh my sweet, sweet lord. He put three x's at the end. That's a good sign, right? I'm hyperventilating. 

To Harry: Yeah, no worries. Just text me where and when, I don't mind :) xxx

I add the x's, just to be safe. I mean, he's done it, so I will too. But he probably only did it because I put about 27 in the first text.

Stop overthinking it! My inner voice tells me, and there's another vibration.

From Harry: Will do. I love my new tattoos by the way ;) xxxx

My jaw practically drops to the floor at that. Four x's?? Shit's certainly getting real. And he likes his tattoos? Thank God. I hope he's telling the truth.

To Harry: So do I, surprisingly! No regrets there! xxxx

Just keeping it lighthearted, just trying to keep my cool. Not that I ever have any 'cool', but a girl can dream.

From Harry: I wish I could remember what yours looks like. Maybe you could refresh my memory when we meet up? ;) xxxx

Woah. Cheeky. He really is a flirt. I can feel myself heating up...maybe I'll need to have a cold shower.

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