15| Plasma and the Two Psychics

Start from the beginning

   "Looks like we have some other business to take care of first," I said.

   We tailed the grunts for a couple of blocks until they stopped at a tall wire fence that bordered the Nimbasa amusement park. The four grunts sent out a Cubchoo, Blitzle, Mareep, and a Growlithe. One of them ordered the Growlithe to use Fire Fang on the fence. Why were they were trying to get in?

   "Hey!" I shouted, sending out all of my Pokemon as I did so. The grunts looked at us and were startled by our presence.

   "What're you kids doing here?" one of the grunts said.

   "You should know better than to be snooping around, didn't your parents teach you anything?" a female grunt said mockingly.

   "Yeah, they taught me not to be scum like you!" I retorted. "Saber, Razor Shell that Growlithe!" Saber threw his two shells at the Growlithe and it was knocked out instantly.

   "Why you little—!" the female grunt growled. "Cubchoo, Frost Breath!" Her command sent the other grunts into an attacking frenzy.

   "Blitzle, use Thundershock!" one shouted.

   "Mareep, Thunder Wave!" another followed up.

   "Lucky, Detect!"

   Rosa's Eevee suddenly jumped in front of my Pokémon and a created a wall of light. It appeared for only a brief second, but it was enough to deflect the Neo Plasma Pokémon's attacks. That was my cue. I told my Pokemon to use Razor Shell, Crunch, and Magnet Bomb. My Pokémon's attacks hit the opposing Pokémon and they went down almost right away. A few more attacks were exchanged, during which the Plasma Pokémon got in a few minor hits or Lucky would chime in with another Detect or a Growl. Soon, the three Pokémon were down.

   "This is horrible," the female grunt cried. "Retreat! This mission was a failure." They recalled their Pokemon and fled the scene. At least they didn't abandon their Pokémon... I guess? No, it would've been better if they left them. We could've taken them to the Pokémon Center and found them new Trainers.

   I examined the wire fence and other than the gaping molten hole ripped in the side, nothing else had been done. "What do ya think they were after?" I asked.

Rosa shrugged. "Petty robbery?" she said.

I returned her shrug. "Maybe. But knowing Neo Plasma, they might've been on their way to steal some Pokemon." Neither of us had a clue as to what they were planning. Whatever they tried to do though, we managed to stop it. With some confusion still lingering, my sister and I went to go find the route gate again.

   We walked along Route 16 in silence. Rosa was preoccupied with her Pokédex's Habitat List feature and I kept constantly looking around for any Pokemon. The forest bordering the route was relatively silent, which I took as a bad sign. No sounds, no new team members to find.

   "Let's see..." Rosa said absentmindedly. She swiped her index finger upward on the Pokedex's screen and read off the list of Pokemon sighted on the route. "Minccino, Gothita, Audino, Emolga, Cinccino, Trubbish, Liepard, and Solosis."  

   "You sure got your work cut out for ya!" I laughed. "Do you even have enough Poké Balls for all these catches you have to make?"

   "I have five Poké Balls, four Great Balls, an Ultra Ball, and a few assorted varieties I picked up at the Poké Mart."

   "Geez, that's a lot!" I remarked. "Do you have any money left?"

   "What do you think?" Rosa asked, still staring at her Pokédex.

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