12| The Castelia Gym's Swarm

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"This is it, right?" I looked to Rosa

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"This is it, right?" I looked to Rosa.

   Rosa looked at the sign next to the windowless building's entrance. "Castelia Gym. Victors: Hilbert Idelle, Cheren Gannet, Hugh Vallance," she read out.

   "Looks like Hugh already got his badge," I commented. And he didn't call me about it..? I thought right afterward. "Do you want to come in with me?" I asked Rosa.

   "Sure, I could pick up some battling tips from you," she said, reaching for one of the double-door's handles. She opened the door and gestured for me to enter first. "After you, Mr. Amazing Trainer," she said with an exaggerated Kalos accent.

   "Why thank you!" I replied in the same accent.

   We entered the Gym into an all-gray lobby. A woman was sitting behind a counter, looking bored. "Are you two here to challenge the Gym Leader?" She asked in a tone as bored sounding as her demeanor.

   "I am. She's here to watch," I said.

   "Okay, please wait." The lady pressed a button on a headset she wore. "Burgh, you have a challenger."

   "Burgh? Do you think she's talking about that Burgh?" Rosa said.

   "Possibly. He did mention he knew the Gym Leader. Maybe he pulled a Cheren and is actually the Leader," I replied.

   "Pulled a what?"

   "Nate,Rosa! I knew you two would show up here eventually." Burgh strode into the lobby from a hallway on the far left wall opposite the counter.

   "Let me guess, you're the Leader?" I asked sarcastically.

   "What gave it away?" Burgh laughed. "Anyways, why are we standing around? I have a challenger to face!" he looked at Rosa. "Are you here to battle too?"

   "No, I'm not. Battling's not exactly my strong suit. I'm here to watch, if that's fine with you," she said.

   "It's fine if you watch. Battling is an art form, and people should be allowed to witness it," Burgh said. "Follow me to my 'gallery'!"

   We followed Burgh down the hallway to another set of double doors, these ones made from solid oak wood. With a flourish, Burgh flung both doors open and we were hit with an explosion of color. The Gym arena was a long room each wall covered in framed paintings of different kinds of Pokémon. The far wall had a single floor-to-ceiling painting hung on it. It was a painting of a line of emerald green scales rimmed in gold. Surrounding it were seven other objects, I recognized the Basic and Toxic badges among them.

   "Welcome to my gallery! It also doubles as the Gym's arena, so please try not to damage any of my works," Burgh said. He walked to the far edge of the arena and I took my place across from him on the arena's other end, near the doors. Rosa moved to the right wall and took a seat on one of several chairs placed along it.

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