04| A Stranger at Floccesy Ranch

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I sat crisscrossed on my bed in the Pokémon Center

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I sat crisscrossed on my bed in the Pokémon Center. Ivy was curled up next to me and Slinky was sitting in my lap. I absentmindedly stroked her, twirling her sleek fur between my fingers. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that time had flown by. I asked Ivy and Slinky if they wanted to sleep in their Poké Balls, but they shook their heads. I took off my visor, flung my shoes and socks down to the floor and undid my hair, freeing my overly long brown hair. I then lay my head on the pillow, eventually drifting off with Ivy and Slinky on either side of me.

I was suddenly awoken by a loud knock on the door. For a second I didn't know where I was, thinking I was in my room back at home. But then I remembered where I really was. Ivy and Slinky were sprawled out across the bed, fast asleep. I woke them up before I put them back in their Poké Balls. Then I heard the knocking again.

"Rosa, you up yet?" Nate's voice called.

Glancing at my Xtransceiver's clock revealed that it was around eleven in the morning. We must've needed to meet Alder soon.

"I'm awake! Give me five minutes!" I called back.

"We'll be waiting in the Center's lobby."

I then heard footsteps walking away down the hall. I hurried to get ready, messily putting my hair back up into its usual "twin-bun" style and almost forgetting to tie my shoes in my haste.

Nate and Hugh were waiting for me in the
lobby. I called to them and Nate turned to me.

"Rosa, catch!"

Nate tossed me a muffin. I caught it and asked him where he got it from. Apparently, Trainers that stay overnight at Pokémon Centers were given something small for breakfast the next morning. Between bites of Oran berry muffin, I asked Nate when we were supposed to meet with Alder. He shrugged, saying he had no idea. I glanced at Hugh and he shrugged too.

"Great..." I sighed. "What do we do? Should we just wait?"

"I say we go check out the town," Hugh suggested. "Who knows? Maybe we'll find Alder's house while we're out."

There was really no reason to object, neither Nate or I could come up with any other ideas. Except you know... wait around, but that would've been boring.

Our little self-given tour of Floccesy Town brought us the entrance of Route 20. It was a pretty route. Crystal clear river, different shaded leaves littering the path, and the equally beautiful trees the leaves had fallen from. The picturesque definition of a forest in autumn. Near the entrance to Route 20 was a old wooden sign. It read: "Floccesy Ranch ahead."

   "Excuse me?"

I looked away from the sign and saw a woman dressed in farming clothes. Overalls, boots, etc. She had a dog-like Pokémon with her. I took out my Pokédex and used its scan feature to get a description of the Pokémon.

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