00| Juniper's Call

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The swirl of autumn leaves flew through the morning air, caught by the chilly breeze. They twirled over the tops of the city's buildings and towards the edge of town. The wind dropped briefly and the tumble of leaves gently floated downward. When the leaves had fallen far enough to be level with the first-story windows, the breeze picked up again and they blew through the city streets.

   A pretty woman in her early thirties walked along the sidewalk leading to her house, one of the few that still existed in the quickly growing city. She shivered as the wind swept over her, her thin jacket doing little to repel the cold. As she continued to walk, a few leaves flew past her face. Her hand flew out of her jacket pocket and she snatched one of the leaves from the air. Through the loose strands of hair that had freed themselves from her messy bun, she carefully turned the leaf over and examined its brilliant shade of red.

   Autumn had always been the woman's favorite season, the scorching heat of summer giving way to the coolness the later months wasn't afraid of sharing with the region. It was beautiful, yet sad at the same time, knowing that everything was slowly dying around her. But it would all be worth it once spring came again.

   Another gust of wind tugged at the leaf still clenched between her long nails. She released the leaf, watching as it was carried high into the sky. It disappeared into the forest beyond the small city's outskirts, a glimmer of the season's beauty, gone forever.

   The woman was jerked from her daze when the watch-like device around her wrist suddenly began ringing. She looked at it and saw that someone was calling. She pressed the green icon on the watch's touchscreen. It brought up the image of a woman, maybe a few years older than her.

   "Aurea Juniper! Long time, no see!" The woman said, smiling at her old friend.

   "Same to you, Hana!" Aurea replied. "I'm sorry that I haven't answered any of your calls, I've been very busy lately! Research and whatnot."

   "It's fine!" Hana said. "What do you need?"

   "It's about Nathan and Rosalyn. They've recently turned fourteen, am I correct?"

   Hana raised her eyebrows at the mention of her children's names. "Yes they have, why do you ask?"

   "Well, my assistant is going to be in Aspertia later today on research business. But I've sent her along with a few extra things: the Unova starters and two models of the latest version of the Pokédex. I figured since your children are old enough, they could receive their first Pokémon. Sorry for just assuming that, but I didn't think that you wanted to send Nathan and Rosalyn all the way to Nuvema Town. Unless you don't want to send them on a journey-"

   "No, no, of course I want them to go on a journey! Thank you for thinking of my kids and being so considerate!" Hana said. "You said you're sending your assistant? What does she look like?"

   "Short blonde hair, glasses, an orange jacket, and a big green hat. Don't worry, she'll stick out! Just look for a green hat." Aurea informed.

   "Okay, look for a large green hat. Thank you again Aurea! We'll have to meet up and talk soon."

   "We will eventually, I promise!" Aurea waved and Hana's watch screen cut to black.

   Hana smiled and looked away from her watch. She couldn't believe it, her children were going to get their first Pokémon! She stuffed her hand back into her jacket pocket and she started walking again. This time her pace was faster, she now wanted to get home as soon as she could to share the news.

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