[✓] Chapter 6: Ill

Start from the beginning

"Good. Now, would you all follow me. I'll be leading you all to your assigned rooms for you to get ready." Turning on my heel, I walk through one of the longs hallways, the four of them hot on my heels as they follow me, Miri had left with Frosch and Lector to find the other young exceeds.

Soon enough, we stop in front of a hallway full of doors.

"This is my room if you need anything. And those are your rooms, choose whichever one you want. Clothes will be in the closets." I said, pointing at the door next to me and gesturing them to the other ones along the hall, them nodding as they go and pick their desired rooms.

As they entered their rooms, I had left and headed towards the throne room, taking my seat on the throne, I used my magic to have my crown appear on my head, and also have the undone sheets of paperwork sent to me as I look through and sign them all.


So my guess was right, Igneel and Metalicana did start up a fight and break something while I was gone. I groaned in annoyance as I signed the last of my paperwork, a servant coming in the pick them up.

The doors to the throne room had opened, Rufus walking in as his heeled boots padded against the carpeted floors, him stopping in front of me.

"What do you need Rufus?" I asked, looking at him as he stood before me.

"I need to ask you something Miss Lucy." He started as I nodded, gesturing him to continue with his question.

"Why was I not assigned with a being to have them train me in my magics?" He questioned, making me smile as I looked at him.

"I didn't do that is because in this kingdom, there has not been anyone with enough experience with your magic to train you other than me. I apologise if you thought that I had done that for any other intentions." I explained, earning a bow from him as he smirked up at me.

"Of course, Miss Lucy. Thank you for clearing that up." He said, excusing himself as he left me in the throne room alone again.

Few hours later~


I was finally done and all caught up in my work.

"Lucy!" A voice yelled, my ears perking up from the voice as I see Miri flying towards me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused to see her so panicked and rushed.

"It's your mom! She's in her bed and unwell!" She exclaimed

"Take me to her." I told her, my facial expression dark as Miri nodded, leading me to where mom was at, pushing the doors open as the both of us enter.

As we rush in, my eyes caught sight my mother lying in bed, her eyes closed tightly as father was next to her, clutching her hand tightly in his.

"D-dad..." I tried to not stutter but no prevail, as he turned to look at me, tears were brimming his eyes as I walked over to him, hugging him as he stroked my hair.

"Ssh... It's okay... Your mother is just resting." He said quietly, continuing to stroke the back of my head slowly.

Breaking out of the hug, I stand next to him, my arm stretched out to mother as the tips of my fingers let out silver ribbons that slithered and wrapped around her figure loosely, retracting back to me as I finish what I was doing.

My eyes were filled with sadness, hands slightly trembling as I stared at her unconscious body.

"M-mom... she...." I tried to say, the words getting stuck in my throat as father came to comfort me.

"How... how can she hide this... f-from me? She's had it all this time! I can't heal her anymore,she'll have to fight it on her own now." I said, seeing some of the veins on her arm that were once a menacing poisonous green fade back into their original colour, sinking into her skin again while others remained.

"Don't worry, Lucy... It's not your fault." Dad reassured me, making me nod as I slightly smile up at him.

"Oh yeah. By the way dad, why did you blow up Tenrou Island?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, him nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well... Your brother and I were chasing around and he sorta took a nap there while we were still playing. I got annoyed that he dozed off and decided to find him." He started to explain, eyes looking anywhere but me while he did.

"Then, I looked around the island when those pesky Fairies shot magic at me. I ignored them at first but when the old man turned big and punched me, I got irritated and shot a little of my roar at them. But, I guess I went overboard and blew up the island." He finished, making me roll my eyes as him.

"Wow, great job dad..." I sarcastically remarked, him ruffling my hair and telling me shut up.

After a while of chatting, Miri and I had walked back to my room, instantly jumping on my bed as I sigh tiredly.

'Man..... This will be one heck of a three months...'

Tada!!! Complete!! FI. NAL. LY!!!

Lucy: Phew... That was exhausting!

Miri: Yea... I was so worried about mom there.

Sting: We will definitely win the GMG for sure now!!!

Rogue: *nods*

Me: *sweatdrops* At least talk more, Rogue...

Frosch: Fro thinks so too!

Rogue: You too Frosch? *sigh*

Me: Nice going Frosch! *high five's with Fro*

Lucy: I'll do the disclaimer! Miss Kuno doesn't own Fairy Tail! Hiro Mashima does! She only owns the other characters and the plot of this Story! VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE this story!!!

Me: And also vote for your ships!!!

1. Sticy/Stilu [moments] (Sting×Lucy)

2. Rolu [moments] (Rogue×Lucy)

3. Rulu/Lufus [moments] (Rufus×Lucy)

Those are the choices!!!

Rufus: I will surely win. *holds his hat in a cool way*

Sting: No you're not! I'm gonna win with my charms! *flashes a smirk and winks at the readers*

Rogue: You think you will win with your arrogance? *scoffs and winks at the readers*

Me & Lucy: BUH-BYE!!!

P.S.: Next Chapter is a Private Chapter so follow me to read those chapters because that chapter is a Secret Private Chapter that only my followers can read!!! So be sure to follow me to read them!! And don't even think of following me then unfollowing after reading the special chapters! Cuz' I will find out eventually and HUNT. YOU. DOWN. AND. KILL. YOU. MYSELF!!! So don't do that!!!

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