Sentiments Pt.1 | Jin

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   "You've brought so many books with you," I said to her as I entered her room, looking at the bookshelf that was already filled with (at least twenty) books. Looking through them, I noticed how there are the same pair of books just in different languages: in French and Korean.

   "I'm trying to be more fluent," she said, evidently struggling with the language.

   I smiled at her and said, "Maybe I can help? We can read together if you want. I'll explain to you a few things"

   For the first time, I saw her smile. It fit her perfectly well. It was a childish smile, but at the same time brittle. It was something new to stare at, but nevertheless it still looked good on her.

   "I don't want to waste your time," she said, looking back at the books that sat on her desk.

   "It's okay, I need something to do anyways," I said, before pushing my desk chair that was in my room to hers.

   As we started, I felt that something was bothering her. The way how she would look at me from time to time, and the way how she would sometimes get distracted by something. Whatever it is, it can't be that bad right?

   Anyways, it wasn't too hard to tutor her. She knew the basic, the only problem was her vocabulary. Overall, she did very well.

   30 NOVEMBER 2015

    Jin has told me that he was interested in art, hence all the art supplies he had in his room. I must admit, it made his room messy, but in a good way. Why a good way? Well to me, it gives him a sense of value; making him feel needed.

   All I do is read and write. Nothing too special I guess. Sometimes I get frustrated and just stop altogether. I rewrite and rewrite but I would always be describing something in a exaggerated way. When I look at the words I wrote, I will also avert my eyes to my pen. There's just something off about it; it gives off this sickening feeling.

   Nonetheless, I haven't made any friends yet in school; I was always sort of a loner. All I have was Jin, but sometimes he's too busy to talk to me. Even though it seems like he's just like me: alone all the time.


   She had started writing a little book in Korean and needed my help to correct some of the grammar, which I am happy about. That means I will be able to read her work. The only probably was, was that it held a strong sense of reality.

   "Every object that we see, is just another way of us justifying our own existence."

   Roux is a admirable girl, she studies hard, is polite to others and has a nice (but mysterious) aura. But the words that she has put into this short story is way different then I had imagine. But this quote will forever haunt me, as I never concentrated on those sorta thoughts.

   I thought people who would think of these type of things went through a harsh life. But she seems too perfect, maybe she's very good at hiding her past?

   Tonight, I had her a question on what she had meant. "You know the books that I read and the music that I listen too?" She asked me.

   I nodded at her as we ate dinner together. I tried to make something that we can both enjoy together; I didn't want to be selfish.

   "It's just a distraction. We don't want to face reality and accept that the world is boring, but yet terrifying. Everything that we use and see is just another way for us to have a purpose. Whether it would be a spoon or a pen, we try to make it our purpose."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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