Wait I-I | J-Hope

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   There she was again. Smiling and laughing at the jokes my hyungs and donsaengs have made. Why can't she be like that around me? Maybe it's because she doesn't like me. Each time we're actually alone, it's always… awkward. She's treating me like she's Jimin. I sighed silently, like brother and sister. Yes, she's Jimin sister, but that's not the problem.

   "Tell mom that I be back home soon, okay?" Jimin said to ____. She nodded as Jimin kissed her forehead and saw her walk away. I stared at her, seeing her hair bounce a little as she walks makes me want to smile.

  "Hyung, you're quiet as usual," Jimin suddenly asked me, snapping me out. "Er, what do you mean?" I said rubbing the nape of my neck. "You're quiet, and you're usually loud," Namjoon hyung said as he kept eating. "Well, maybe not today," I said. "It's weird cause you were staring at my sis-" Jimin stopped talking, finally realizing it. "Dude! You like my sister?!" He yelled causing people around to stare at us. "Shut up! No I don't!" I yelled. "You know what, now that you mention it, last time we left them alone, they were really silent. Like, awkwardly silent," Taehyung said.

~~~~~ Last Week ~~~~~

   "U-um H-hey," I stuttered as we sat on the nech, waiting for the rest of the guys to come. She gave a small smile, "H-hi." I coughed and sat closer to her.

   Okay, don't do anything stupid or ask anything that can weird her out. Maybe if I don't do anything, she'll just think I'm normal. Wait, what happen if she thinks I hate her. I don't want her to get any wrong ideas. Okay, if she asks anything, just try to answer her in the most normal possible way.

   "So, do you like your brother?" I asked her. Wow, of course she'll love her brother. They live together for crying out loud. "Um yeah, I think. I mean, yes I do," she said playing with her hair. Then, it went silent again, which was slowly killing me.

   She opened her mouth to say something, but she was already interuppted by Jimin. "Guys! Right here!" Jimin yelled, waving at us. We looked at him and saw the group waiting for us. We bothed sighed and walked over to them.

~~~~~ Now ~~~~~

   "If you guys haven't came so quickly, you would have let her talk!" I whined loudly. "Yah! Don't blame us that you're shy around her!" Jin scolded me, while the others laugh at me. I groaned and ruffled my hair in fusteration. "I'm going back to the dorm!" I yelled and started to walk out of the restaurant.

   A month has past and guess what? No progress. All we do was saying "Hi" to eachother and that's it. I don't think we're ever going to be together, if we continue that.

   We were alone again. In the park, on the bench. Again, we were waiting for the guys, they said they had a plan for something. Something that I'm not aware of.

   "D-do you know what time it is?" She asked. I nodded and told her the time. "Thank you," she said. I smiled and nodded. Then, I kept looking at her, she was dressed in a very cute way, that I like it. "You look very pretty today," I managed to say. She blushed a little making my heart flutter. "U-uh, um, thank you," she stuttered. Maybe I still have a chance. I just need to go slowly. I was about to say something in till Taehyung came by and took her hand.

   "Come on let's go!" He said as she stood up. "To where?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow at him. "On a date, silly," he said patting her head. "W-what!" I said standing up. "Yeah! Jin needs you to go to the store with him anyways," he said intwining they're fingers together. She said something to Taehyung making him laugh, but I don't know what. She then had a confused face.

   My heart just broke. I can even hear it breaking itself to pieces. How can he do this to me. He knew that I liked her and he just decided to take her away from me. "You can't," I said. "Why?" He asked. "B-because we were busy," I said sorta lying. "No you weren't, besides it's not like you like her," he said about to walk away. That's when my "instincts" kick in. "It's because I love her!" I blurted out loud and grabbed her; hugging her.

   Suddenly, I heard clapping. Even Taehyung was clapping. "You finally did it," Namjoon said behind me. "It's about time," Yoongi hyung said patting my back. The group left tge two us alone again.

   "I-I didn't know they planned this, I'm sorry," she said pulling back from me. I widened my eyes, "It's not your fault." I patted her head a little. "Jimin must have planned it. I told him that I… liked you and I guess he just-" "You like me?" I said smiling a little. Her cheeks turned pink, "You confessed first," she said. I laughed.

   "If we like eachother, then maybe we should make it official," I said making her speechless. I kissed her forehead. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

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