Basketball Accident | Suga

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I sat on the bench where I was reading and listening to music. You might be wondering why I listen to music while reading. Well for some reason, I can concentrate better with music playing.

I looked up and found guys playing basketball. They were really good especially that guy. He's a bit shorter then the rest of the group but he seems to be beating everyone.

He tried to shoot the ball but something went wrong. The ball bounced off the hoop, heading towards my direction. "Watch out!" All of them yelled. Before I could react, it had already hit me on my forehead causing this stinging pain. It even hit me hard enough to knock out my headphones to the floor.

I put both of my hands on my forehead and rubbed it. I heard some of them ran to me and the others ran after the ball. "Are you okay?!" One of them said. "Suga, come here and apologize!" The other one said. "Hopefully she won't have bruise," a guy said with a deep voice while bending his knees to my height. He checked my forehead if it was okay.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said looking up at them again. "Suga!" The broad shoulders yelled even louder. "What?" He responded like nothing happened. "Say sorry!" All of them said. "Sorry," he said bluntly and not looking at me. One of them punched him on the arm. "Ow! Okay,okay! I'm sorry!" He whined.

"Now hug her!" The purple gray haired guy yelled. Everyone started to push him towards me while he tried to stop them. "N-no!" He yelled trying to back away. I smiled and laughed a little.

"Guys the ice cream truck is here!" The one with cute chubby cheeks yelled. "Hey what flavor do you want?" The broad shoulders asked. "M-me?" I said pointing at myself. He nodded. "Someone did hit you with the ball," he said staring at "Suga" with a deadly stare. "Chocolate, I guess," I said. "Wait Jin, get me chocolate too!" Suga yelled as Jin went to the truck.

"Aren't you gonna go with them?" I asked. "Nah," he said sitting on the bench with me. He looked at the floor noticing my headphones. Before I could grab it, he had already put it on. I checked my iPod if it was still playing and it was.

He bobbed his head to the rythme and all I did was look at him. He was actually kinda cute with his pale skin and how he's shy about hugging me. "What?" He said look at right back at me. I smiled, "You actually quite cute." His cheeks and ears started to turn a bit red. "See? You're being cute now."

He stuttered a little and took off the headphones. Before he could manage to say something Jin came back holding three ice cream cones. "Here!" He said giving me and Suga the chocolate ice cream we wanted. Then a bunny looking kid sat next to me eating his ice cream. The others were standing.

"Sorry but can you tell us your name?" Jin asked. I nodded, "I'm _____ and you guys are?" They all told me their names. "Min Yoongi," Yoongi said. I creased my head to the side a little. "Why do they call you 'Suga'?" I asked. "Because my skin is pale like sugar," he said. "That explains a lot."

Jungkook suddenly put his arm around me, which I didn't mind. "You look like a cute bunny, Jungkook," I said. "Yeah? I've been getting that a lot Noona," he responded.

After eating they were about to start playing basketball again and I needed to go. "It was nice meeting you!" All of them said. "You too," I said before walking away.

"Noona! Wait!" I heard someone yell. "Oh, Jungkook what is it?" I asked him. "Phone. Number," he said breathing heavily in between words. "Why?" I asked taking out my phone. "It's obvious that he likes you. He gave me this death stare when I put my arm around you," he said. I smiled a little as he put in the my numbers in his phone. "Wait till he freaks out," he said. "Thanks Noona!" He said running back and waving at me. Suga likes me. I can't believe that.

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