"Oh Hermione! That's amazing! That's so cute." Elenie gushed, pulling Hermione in for a hug.

"Alright El you can stop now." Hermione rolled her eye's.

"Here comes the future Mrs Weasley!" Elenie teased her.

"Shut up!"


The next morning Elenie and Hermione were sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast waiting for Harry and a newly awoken Ron.

"Hey Granger!" Lavender and a bunch of her cronies stalked down the aisle in the Great Hall towards Elenie and Hermione. 

"This can't be good." Elenie mumbled, setting down her food as she turned around to face the group of girls with Hermione.

"Lavender, Alicia, Parvati." Hermione smiled nervously.

"Don't play sweet with me! What did you do to my boyfriend?!" Lavender cried, holding Hermione by the collar.

"Woah woah! Let's just all calm down! Hermione had nothing to do with it Lavender, you and I both know that they haven't spoken for months!" Elenie tried to reason with Lavender pulling her hand away so that her grip would weaken on Hermione's collar.

"Yes Elenie, but that doesn't explain why she was there with him!" Lavender cried.

"Lavender, we're best friends with both Ron and Harry, even though they might not be talking at the moment doesn't mean that she wasn't worried about him." Elenie stated.

"Fine! Well more fool him! He'll see that i'm so much better than a know it all like Granger!" Lavender cried, stomping off to the other end of the table.

"Thanks El, you really saved me." Hermione sighed in relief, straightening out her collar.

"It's okay, she's just upset. It'll get better soon." Elenie told her reassuringly.

Hermione nodded and picked her food back up just as the owls with that morning's post swooped into the Great Hall. Elenie looked up and smiled as she spotted her mother's owl amongst them. He flew down, dropped two letters for Elenie and then flew away again when he had received a treat.

"Someone's popular." Hermione joked as she looked over at Elenie's letter's. She recognised the writing on both of the letter's as her mother's and George's. She quickly opened the first letter from her mother and began to read.

Dear Elenie,

I hope that you are well?! Hopefully Ron is doing okay? Molly was in hysterics when she heard about him being poisoned; thank goodness for Harry's quick thinking!

Things are well here at Grimmauld Place, of course I have the Weasley's living with me at the moment so i'm not lonely and they've all been helping out in different ways. Your Aunt Belle and Emily have also moved in with us for the time being as Aunt Belle has a job in London, of course Emily is at Hogwarts so she's not here at the moment.

Also, just a heads up; George has been staying in your room and he's found your old diary from first to fourth year. Of course he's been reading it because that's just him. Sorry El!

Anyway, send my love to Harry, Hermione and Ron and tell Harry to write to me!

Hope to hear from you soon!

All my love,


Elenie rolled her eye's and shook her head at the letter. Of course George had found her diary! He'd probably been routing through all of her drawers at home since he was staying in her room and she knew that he and Fred would be getting a kick out of her diary. She used to gush about her feelings for him in there so she knew he'd love it. She placed her mother's letter down and opened the one from George and began to read.

Dear El,

I hope you're well and are hating life without me at Hogwarts. Only kidding!

So guess what I found in OUR bedroom today? Your diary! I got a bit excited and I just had to read it and I LOVE IT! This is one of my favourite entries.

Dear Diary,

Today was a good day! Hermione and I managed to get top scores in History of Magic and Professor Binns was very pleased with our work! Ron and Harry have been as annoying as ever and Harry had his detention with Professor Lockhart today. It's safe to say Harry doesn't like him at all!

We also sat with Fred and George in the common room this evening and Hermione moved so that I could sit next to George! He's so funny and dreamy and I just wish I could tell him how I actually feel. But i'd never do that! He probably just thinks of me as Ron and Ginny's stupid little friend. I'll never get him so I might as well just get over him.

Write in you tomorrow!

Elenor Lily Lupin

You were so cute as a twelve year old! I didn't even know you had feelings for me for that long! Also, your Aunt is pretty much a legend by the way. She pranked your mum whilst she was cleaning and I've never seen Alia so scared, it was hilarious and she'd probably make a good employee in the shop!

Anyway, I hope Hogwarts isn't too boring and you're still working like the good little witch that you are! Ha!

Stay safe and i'll see you soon!

I love you to the stars and back!


Elenie groaned and rested her head in her hand's. Of course he'd found the most embarrassing page from her second year at Hogwarts; that was when her infatuation with him had really started. Her feeling's for him had just escalated from there and she became very conscious around him, everybody knew except George by the time fourth year came around. 

"Hey El, who are your letters from?" Harry asked, sitting down next to her, leaving Hermione and Ron to sit awkwardly next to each other. 

"Hey, just Mum and George. Mum says you need to write to her." Elenie told him.

"How's George?" Hermione asked politely.

"Oh he's fine thanks, he's loving life at Grimmauld Place because he's been staying in my room and he found my diary." Elenie rolled her eye's.

"I feel sorry for you; I remember when they found Ginny's diary once, it didn't end well." Ron laughed.

"Ron! How are you feeling?" Elenie asked him.

"So much better thanks." Ron smiled.

"Excuse me, are you Elenor Lupin?" They were interrupted by a girl who looked like she was in her second year from Ravenclaw house.

"Yes why?" Elenie asked.

"I have a letter for you." The girl smiled.

"Ok thank you." Elenie took it off of her cautiously and knitted her eyebrow's in confusion at the cursive letters which spelt her name on the front. The girl nodded once and skipped back to the table where she was sat with her friend's. Elenie opened the letter and frowned at the words, this was the third time she'd been told those four words. The letter simply read:

Watch your back Black.


What was going on?


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