I was really stuck though, absolutely torn. I love Sam, I really really do. I have since I met him at Vidcon. Yes, I was a fan of course and loved him for that, but the real kind of love, that I got at Vidcon. Sam is a sweetheart, he'd do anything for me, or so I think. I know that the way he is acting towards me on and off like today is not him. No, it couldn't be, I know that.

And even though I love the side of him where he is a great guy, a gentleman, and a sweetheart, the other side worries me. I don't think he'd get physical or anything, but the comments he is telling me. Like today for example, he told me I frustrate him and I'm annoying. Well Sam, if I'm so frustrating and annoying then why don't you break up with me? 

Maybe instead of debating this myself, I could go talk to someone about it. Yeah, that's what I need to do. I picked myself up and grabbed my keys before heading back to the car. I jumped in and pulled out of the dirt spot. I headed down the streets and rushed to the O2L house. There was only one car in the driveway. Please, pretty please be Connor's car. 

I got out and walked up to the front door and knock on it quickly. I instantly heard lazy footsteps coming towards the door and I was mentally crossing my fingers for them to be Connor's. It soon opened and fortunately it was Connor. I walked up to him before he could say anything and brought him in a big huge hug taking him a bit off guard at first, but then he eventually hugged back. I really just needed my best friend right now. 

"Come in Lex." He said concerned. He pulled me into the house his arm around me almost protectively. He sat me down on the couch and then sat himself down next to me. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

"I'm torn Connor." I said with a sigh. 

"Between what?" He asked curiously. 

"Sam, he's been different lately." I said. 

"Like how?" He asked. 

"Well like one day he'll be the sweetest guy in the world, but then the next he'll be a complete asshole. Like today, he said I frustrate him and I'm annoying." I told him sadly. He brought me into a hug and cuddled me into his chest protectively smoothing my hair. 

"Lexie, it'll be okay, I promise you." He said with a sigh as he kept smoothing my hair. 

"I don't know what to do though Connor, I love him a lot but I don't want to keep dating him if he's an asshole." I said. "I might as well go back to Seth if this is what I get." Wait. Did I really say that? Yes, I really did. Ah fuck. 

"I don't know what to say Lex, I haven't talked to Sam in almost a month." He said. 

"Why is that?" I asked pulling away slightly to look at him. 

"Because, you know how I cheated on Morgan?" He asked. I nodded. "Well it was with Acacia." He said as my jaw dropped. I knew she was a whore. Not that I really have room to talk, because I feel like I am sometimes. Like the Sam and Seth thing, that was just wrong that I did that. I made out with Sam while I had a boyfriend of 1 year, I then left that boyfriend but made out with him again before going back to Sam, I haven't talked to Seth since then though. But here I am now basically cuddling with Connor, not that I see it romantically because it's Connor, but some would. I don't know, I don't think I'm a whore, but sometimes I feel like it. I just fall too easily with guys, it all hurts me in the end though. It's already happening. 

"But wait." I said. "I know that Acacia is his ex, and that's kind of guy code but he seriously didn't talk to you in that long?" I asked as he nodded.

"Lex, I'm telling you this for a reason. Not to make Sam look bad, not to break you two up, but to stop you from getting hurt anymore." He said. 

"What is it Connor?" I asked hesitantly. I'm honestly really scared to know what he's about to say about Sam. Did Sam cheat on me with Acacia? He couldn't though. He HATES cheaters. Wait, maybe that's it. He only didn't talk to Connor because he's a "cheater", so I have nothing to worry about then!

"I think he's still in love with Acacia." He said making my heart skip a beat. "I know they were only together for two months or whatever, but he loved her. A lot. He was whipped, beyond whipped. He wouldn't shut up about her no matter what. And even though she tore apart him and Kian's relationship, he loved her. And I think he still does." He said. I shook my head vigorously. No, that couldn't be. 

"No Connor, that can't be true. That- no." I said completely flabbergasted. 

"But think about it Lexie. Acacia was his first love." He said. "Was Seth your first love?"

"Yeah?" I said kind of curiously. 

"Well, it's known that you never stop loving your first love, yes you may not want to be with them, but you won't ever lose that love you had for them. They'll always be in your heart. Like for example, Seth will always be in yours, just like Acacia will always be in Sam's. I don't exactly know what he wants with Acacia at the moment, but I could see him cheating or something." Connor said. I could see it too to be honest. 

"But he hates cheaters." I said. 

"I know he does, but he's cheated before himself." Connor said. 

"On me?!" I said in shock. 

"No, no, no. On Kenzie. He kissed Acacia while he was with Kenzie." He said as I let out a big huge sigh of relief. 

"I don't know though Connor, I'm worried now. What if the reason he is being so distant is because of Acacia?" I asked. "What if he's fooling around with Acacia when I'm not with him?"

"I don't know Lex, do you want to be with someone who would possibly be doing that? I mean I can already see how much he's hurting you right now. I can tell how much you took those two comments to heart, because that's just you. That's what you do. I know you love him and the memories you and him have are great but, but all I'm saying is to consider it. Weigh out the pro's and cons of your relationship. If there's more pro's fix the little con's and move on, but if there's more con's, revaluate some things because you are an amazing girl and you do not deserve to be treated badly Lexie." He said making a big smile appeared on my face. I knew Connor wasn't trying to be a home wrecker either. I knew he didn't want to break Sam and I up on purpose, he was not doing that one bit. 

"Thank you Connor. You really helped a lot." I smiled. He started leaning in and I didn't really know what was happening because I was too. What am I doing? I couldn't do that. That's just wrong. But the thing was, is I couldn't stop. All the nice comments Connor was giving me were getting to my head just like the bad ones Sam was giving. 

It was a matter of 55 seconds before our lips met. There weren't any sparks, but it felt good. It felt so wrong but so right at the same time and I couldn't stop it. It was happening and it was official, I was a cheater. I cheated. I would've broken up with Sam if he cheated and I would've been mad, but here I am cheating on him with one of his best friends, or whatever they are now. 

His larger hands cupped my face gently and brought our lips closer. At least Connor wasn't a cheater when he was doing this, unlike me. Sam is going to hate me. The kiss was in a fast sync, it was super fast. Pretty hard for me to keep up with to be honest. Before I knew it Connor was hovering over me with his hands on each side of me holding himself up. 

Finally pulling me out of the kiss was the sound of the front door opening. Fuck.

Who do you guys think walked in? Leave a comment below! 

Stuff is about to go down, this is gonna be crazy! Haha! :)

Question of the chapter: what is your favorite o2l video? 


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