When she comes back out, my headache has actually subsided, and the coffee has really woken me up.

"Bye Killian. If you ever have another bad night, just give me a call," she says leaving, and handing me her number.

"Bye, be safe," I say closing the door behind her. Do I intend on calling her? No. But she was sweet, and rejecting her would have made me feel worse than I already do.

~ ~ ~

I walk into the cold empty classroom, and turn the lights on. I actually managed to get here 5 minutes before class starts, not much time to get organized, but at least I'm not late.

The students start walking in, and take their seats. I scan across the room, and spot Emma in the back. I wasn't sure if she'd show up today or not, but for education it's a smart choice. She's chatting quietly with Lily, and I don't have the heart to break it up, not after last night.

I begin to teach the lesson, but the announcements cut me off. I hate these bloody things, it's not like the students ever listen to them. Of course the high pitched sound that accompanies the speaker turning on brings back my headache.

"Good morning students, we have important news this morning," an accented voice rings through the speaker. My brother. I had almost forgotten about him being the replacement. His voice catches the attention of the class. "As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not Mr. Gold. He's gone on leave for the next 6 weeks, and I, Mr. J, will be stepping in for that time," he announces. Around the classroom cheers develop, and students are high fiving. Geez, just what I need.

"Quiet down," I hush them.

"Expectation stay the same. Please be on your best behavior during this time of transition. That's all kids, have a good Monday," Liam says cheerfully. The class is all smiles at the news. It just irks me ever more. Dreaded morning this is.

"Mr. Jones what happened to Mr. Gold?" Ruby asks.

"He's on parental leave," I answer. "Today were starting a new unit in tri-"

"Who's going to teach Mr. J's classes?" Victor asks. Hold yourself back Jones. I told myself I wouldn't bring this into the classroom.

"Why would I bloody know?" I snap back at him, rubbing my temples. The more my students speak, the worse this headache seems to get.

"Well you're his brother,"

"Grand observation Victor, that I am. Now let's get to the lesson," I say sternly. The students slump back in their chairs, as I start teaching.

~ ~ ~

(Emma's POV)

Math was hostile, but not in the way that I expected it to be. Mr. J is the principle for the next 6 weeks, which all the students are excited about because he's one of the most liked teachers. Killian however, didn't seem so keen on the idea. Maybe it's sibling rivalry.

After Biology I catch up to Neal. Parental leave doesn't make any sense.

"Hey," I say catching his attention.

"Hey Emma,"

"I don't want to be weird or anything, but why is your dad gone?"

"Oh you don't know?" he answers, almost surprised. Why would I know anything about his father other than what he's told me? "His little gold-digger of a wife just gave birth," he says rolling his eyes. Gold-digger? He's married again?

"He has a wife?" I repeat, almost in shock of the news. How could anyone love someone like him, and have a child with them?!

"Yup, a surprise to me too when we were reunited. She's this prissy little brunette who's only like 6 years older than me."

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