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Tia's heart had never beat so fast, the only thing she could think about was that two year old boy upstairs in Carter's care .. He didn't deserve nothing he was getting, and Carter's reign would end with her !! Tapping the elevator button a couple times, Tia was in a rush to get upstairs .. Catching the elevator, Domino slid inside right before it was too late .. Watching as the door's closed .. Tia waited until the elevator was in motion before she pulled out her 9 millimeter aiming it at Domino's head she stopped the elevator ..

"The fuck you doing Tia ?!" He asked

"Who all is up there ?" Her voice was calm, but on the inside she was a slowly erupting volcano .. and if Domino knew better he would simply comply ..

Sighing, Domino knew how Tia got down .. "Including Carter, 4 of them !!" He answered

"Where's Gee's son ?!" She asked, her voice still calm ..

"In the bedroom !!" He replied

Nodding, Tia looked Domino up and down "Nothing personal, Dee .. Just business !!" She replied before pulling the trigger !! Blood spattered all over the elevator mirrors as his body hit the floor .. Starting the elevator Tia stopped it yet again at the next floor .. pushing Domino's body out of the elevator she got back inside and headed on up to Carter's house .. Her main concern was getting Major, and whoever stood in her way would be in the morgue by the end of the night ..

As the elevator doors opened Tia walked on into the apartment, Carter and Blaze sat on the couch smoking a blunt as TJ and Brian sat at the bar drinking ..

"You finally back ?" Carter asked as he approached her, gazing at the blood on her shirt he knew she had just killed someone .. but he damn sure didn't know it was Domino ..

"Where's Major ?" She asked .

Nodding, towards the bedroom Tia walked over peeking inside to make sure he was ok !! Seeing him on the floor watching television, Tia gave a sigh of relief as she closed the door back .. and focused her attention on Carter ..

"What the fuck were you thinking ?!" She asked

"Do you know what the fuck war means Tia ?!" He asked frowning

"He's a two year old !! Carter .. he's two !! You killed his mother !! Now you wanna kill him ?!" She asked in disbelief

"Get out your feelings Tia !!" He said walking away to the bar ..

"You know what, I don't even know who the fuck you are anymore !! I thought I knew you, I guess a little competition brought out the bitch in you !!" She yelled ..

Pausing, Carter stopped walking and slowly turned around to face Tia .. "What you just say ?!" He asked squinting his eyes at her as he slowly made his way back to her ..

"You fuckin heard me the first time !! You've been acting like a sorry ass bitch since we made it to New York !! What part of I'm with YOU don't you fuckin understand !! I've watched you fuck other bitches in front of me, and I'm still not as insecure as you !!" Tia's emotions were on fire and everybody in the room could feel the animosity between her and Carter

Staring at her in disbelief Carter wanted to wrap his hand around her neck and squeeze every ounce of breath from her lungs, but he couldn't do nothing but listen to her ..

"He's a kid !! Carter !!" Her emotions were everywhere as tears stung her eyes ..

Had heard enough, Carter walked past her and into the bedroom grabbing the little boy Tia attempted to push him off of him only for him to fling her across the bedroom floor as if she was just a rag doll ..

Major broke out crying as Carter held him by the arm "Let me show you what a bitch I am !!" He replied

Tia could tell Carter had lost his damn mind, there was no life in his eyes .. He was high, and drunk .. and she knew this wouldn't end well ..

Slowly pulling out her gun, she rushed Carter knocking him out with the butt of her gun .. She knew he wouldn't be down for long .. so she had to think quick before he woke up and alerted his men .. Placing the little boy in the safe room she closed the door, and secured it behind her .. Walking back into the room she seen Carter staring back at her ..

"So this is what it done came to ?" He asked with his head now bleeding

Shrugging, Tia wiped her eyes "I guess so !!" She replied, her voice quivering ..

Nodding, Carter circled around her like she was prey ..

"Where's Gee to save you now ?!" He asked looking her up and down ..

Tia shook her head as she kept her eyes on him "I don't need Gee to save me, I can handle my damn self !!" She replied back calmly

Laughing, Carter hated it had to end this way .. He loved Tia with every bone in his body !! "So be it !!" Slapping her to the ground Carter took Tia by surprise as he kicked her gun out of her hand ..

"Get up Tia !! I taught you better than that !!" He said still circling around her .. Attempting to stand to her feet Tia kept her eyes on Carter .. Lunging at him she hit him good in his jaw, only for him to toss her into the wall !! He was obviously stronger than her, and Tia wasn't about to try and fight him .. Instead she was gonna end him !! Crawling her way towards the balcony she watched as Carter followed her ..

"Ain't no way out that way Tia !! Where you going baby ?!" He asked with a smile .. "Let's finish what we started, and have a little bit of make-up sex afterwards .. we both know I'm not letting you leave me !!" He grinned ..

Standing up, Tia watched as Carter approached her .. Kissing her cheek he caressed it with his thumb .. "I love you !!" He smiled ..

"I love you too !!" She responded .. Pulling her pocket knife from behind her back she quickly jabbed Carter in the stomach, pulling it out she stuck him again, and again and again !! Until his shirt was covered in blood, watching him become weaker she cried .. "I'm sorry !!" She whispered .. before pushing him off of the balcony .. Not bothering to look down she heard a loud thud then the sound of a car alarm going off .. And she knew he was dead ..


"Where the fuck is my son and my girl ?!" Gee yelled at the group of men before him .. At first he thought it was just Gabby missing, but after getting a phone call from security that Major's nanny and him still hadn't made it back to the house .. He knew something was up ..

Hearing a knock at the door .. Gee motioned for some one to get the door as he sat down ..

"Yo, Gee !! It's two packages addressed to you !!" Rio said ..

"Who dropped them off ?!" He asked quickly standing to his feet and heading to the door ..

"Ion see nobody !!" He replied

Hesitating, Gee braced himself for what he was possibly about to see .. Ripping the tape off of the boxes, Gee opened the first box then quickly closed it back as he gasped .. Glancing at the next box he prayed he wasn't about to see what he thought he was gonna see .. quickly opening it !! He looked down at the head of Major's nanny, Griselda ..

"What's in the other box yo ?!" Rio asked

Sighing, Gee felt his eyes burn "Everybody get the fuck out !!" He yelled ..

Watching as Gee disappeared into his bedroom, Rio looked inside the box .. Inside was his sister, Gabby's head !!




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