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Tia couldn't do nothing but laugh.. Even though it hadn't been long, Carter was laid up with another bitch.. Just so happens she rolled up on Carter, and discovered what else he was doing ..

Shaking her head, "No thank you Carter.. You all about doing you and taking care of business.. Let's not play games..!! You real fuckin lucky, I don't cause a scene up in that bitch and go beat the bitches ass !! Whoever the fuck she is !! But I'm done .. do you !!" Tia had held her arms out preventing him from pushing her into the interior of the car.

Glaring down at her, "The fuck you mean you're done?" Carter chuckled a little, leaning over whispering, "We done.. When I say we done.." Grabbing ahold of Tia hips he tried to force her into the Maybach.

Hearing sirens and seeing a cop car stopped him from actually completing the task, "Excuse me.. Is there a problem?" A white uniformed officer asked them getting out the passenger side of the patrol car.

Smiling, "Oh no sir.. We just in a rush.. Everything is okay.. Ain't that right bae.." Carter gave Tia a warning look, holding her tighter.

The officer looked over at Tia, "Ma'am is everything okay?" He asked watching both of their movements.

Smirking up at Carter, turning around pushing his hands off of her slowly she walked away to the side walk still keeping eye contact with Carter. "Yes officer, We were just old friends catching up.. Ain't that right bae?" Then looking over towards the officer she smiled.

"Very well.. Move along.." The officer told them, waiting for them both to leave.

Watching Tia walk away and into the subway entrance, Carter slapped the top of the car frustrated. "FUCK!" He yelled wanting to go snatch Tia up instead he got into the car and they drove off ..


Sighing, Tia tried to calm herself down. Every thought that was going through her head was bad. But her emotions were very high, contemplating on the best thing instantly she felt the need to smoke and drink. At that point all she needed was to feel emotionless.

Getting off at her stop, quickly her heels clicked against the pavement. With each step all Tia could think about was how quick she could get to her penthouse. Finally getting inside - she snatched her shoes, and jacket off - walking over towards her stash, her mind was already made up on her poison.

Within hours Tia was high and tipsy. Hearing her phone vibrate she stumbled over to it, snatching it out her purse before whoever hung up. Seeing Gees number across the screen quickly she clicked answer.

"Hey you.." Tia spoke into the phone.

Sighing, "You good? Because I know you're high as hell.. From how you sounding.." Gee replied, even though he was still fuming mad about his club, at that moment the only person he wanted to comfort him was Tia.

With a sensual laugh, "You still think you know me Gee.. After all these years.. That's cute.." Tia took another sip of her drink. "So.. What's up? Where's wifey?" Biting her lip, she debated on if she wanted to share what happened today with her. But hearing the tone in his voice, she knew something was up - and didn't want to relay her problems on him

With a bitter laugh, "Man.. I don't know where she is and right now I really don't care.." Gee paused, "Tia.. My fucking club burned down.. I take that back, no it didn't get burned it got fucking bombed.. You don't have any idea of the shit I gotta do to clean this up.." He sat quiet like he lost his whole world.

"Gee.. Its gonna be alright.. You know shit got a way of working out.." Tia felt bad, "Hey.. How about this.. Let's cheer each other up.. I'll come by our old spot, and we can just chill.. Smoke and have a few drinks.. Just hangout.." For some strange reason she just didn't want to be alone tonight so why not hang out and have a good time with Gee.. She was single, she didn't know for how long but she needed to relieve some stress and that was what she was going to do ..

Quietly listening to her, "You sure? I mean you ain't laid up with ole' boy?" Gee asked not knowing what was going on with her and Carter.

Slightly laughing, "Long story short.. For now I'm on a love hiatus.. So do you wanna hang or what?" Tia rubbed her fingers through her hair waiting for Gee to answer.

"I hear that.. Come through.. Do you need me to pick you up or send a car for you.. Oh wait a minute.. You still ain't trying to tell a nigga where you lay your head, huh?" Gee already knew Tia wasn't giving up her location but still he didn't think it was wrong to ask.

"Very funny.. I'll meet you.. See you soon.." Tia hung the phone up and did a quick shower. Deciding on some dark wash seven jeans, a form fitting white tee, with some black Jimmy Choo heels. She slightly curled her hair, and did simple makeup finishing off her look with some clear Mac lip glass. Spraying on some Chanel Mademoiselle - tossing it in her bag heading for the door picking up her leather jacket on the way out.


For the whole night Gee and Tia talked, a few times he had to stop because Gabby was blowing his phone up.

Rolling her eyes, "You don't wanna take that? You know.. If you need to.. I get it - trust me I understand.." Tia took a sip of her Tanqueray looking away from him.

Smiling over at Tia, "Nah.. I'm good.. And, why yo' boy ain't blowing you up too?" Gee asked skeptically looking over at her.

Shrugging, "Probably the same reason why you ain't answering your damn phone.." Tia smirked over at Gee, then gave him the matter of fact look, laughing.

"Alright.. Alright.. You got me.." Gee took a puff off the blunt. He watched as Tia kept her eyes on his lips. "Stop Baby.. You don't know how bad I want your ass right now.." Slightly slapping her thigh playfully.

With a devilish grin, "Is that right.." Tia sat her drink down and looked over at Gee. Climbing on top of his lap, she took the blunt and took a deep puff holding the smoke in and then just coming mere inches away from his face - she blew out the smoke, which he easily inhaled closing his eyes.

The whole notion was sexy, leaning over kissing his neck Tia was horny and she wanted to remember what it felt like to be with Gee at that moment. Grinding on him, he put his hands on her hips, then ass bringing her closer. Looking into his eyes, "You think you can keep up?" Tia asked him as she started to pull his shirt over his head and rub his chest.

Taking what she said as a insult, "Girl.. Stop playin'.." Gee stared into her eyes, "What you doin'? Thought you and Carter was rocking pretty solid.." Holding her still, yea the shit they was about to do was magnificent but he wanted to make sure she was ready for him to put it down and had no regrets.

Leaning over pecking his lips, neck, then chest.. She then looked up at him, kissing his six pack, unbuttoning his pants she reached for his dick - but he stopped her.

"Baby.. You better not be fucking with me.. Get me all excited and shit - then leave.." Gee laughed wanting to stop her if she wasn't sure.

"No games.. Make me feel good Gee.." Tia smiled at him..




Death Before Dishonor {Baby 3}Where stories live. Discover now