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Carter came up behind Tia, "Go clean ya self up.." Studying her figure she was going to pay for going against his words. It didn't matter if Tia did or anyone else pulled the trigger - it was going to happen. Raven was going to end up dead - she was a casualty plain and simple.

Walking away from Carter, Tia walked to the bathroom. She had very little blood spatter on her, but the little she did have was on her face. Looking in the mirror she felt as though she was a animal and all she was doing was just trying to survive. Sighing she started to take all of her clothes off.

Again Carter reappeared, watching and admiring her body. "You know I love you Tia.." She didn't reply, "This ain't the only shit that's going to need to be done.. It's him against me, you have to choose a side." Tia just kept her head down, walking over to the shower. "Did you fuck him ?..." Standing in front of her he wanted the words to come from her lips.

Shrugging her shoulders, "Why do you care? I'm here with you right now.. You told me to pull the trigger. Apparently you're the one that wants me with the blood on my hands.." Tia smirked at him, "At this point what does it matter Carter.. As long as you getting what you want.. Right.." Giving him a sad smile she walked into the shower, letting the water hide the tears she needed to shed.

Sighing Carter wasn't sure he wanted a answer the way she was speaking to him. He knew in the back of his mind, if he didn't start putting her on a short leash - the love she had for him would start to become bitter and when it did he'd have to deal with the monster he created himself. Walking out the bathroom he needed to focus and change his approach dealing with her. Under no circumstance or condition he was letting her go - especially to Gee.


Frantically hailing down a Taxi, Ravens nerves were everywhere. Her arms legs and teeth had her jittering. But one thing was for sure.. Tia was laid up with Carter and it was apparent where her loyalty was. Sighing and smiling in satisfaction all she wanted to do was tell Gee.

As the Taxi pulled up in front of Gees house, he was standing outside, "Rae where the fuck have you been? We've been texting your ass all day.. You know good and fuck--" He was cut off.

"Pay the cab driver.." Raven pointed.

Glaring over at her, he bent over tossing a couple hundred dollar bills to the driver telling him to keep the change. "The fuck was that about?" Gee stood in front of her wanting answers.

Walking inside, Raven had already prepared herself for what she was about to tell him. "Baby.. That bitch Tia.. Can't be trusted.." Watching her brothers expression, "Carter kidnapped me coming out of Starbucks with Lonnie.." Running her hands through her natted hair, "Asshole had me tied up, with my mouth taped shut.." Pursing her lips angry, "He gave Tia bitch ass a gun and told her to shoot me.. But instead she shot a few of his men and told them to let me go.. On my way out, she tried to get me to agree to not tell you.." Bitter she said the last part.

Greg had been sitting back and listening to the whole thing, "See.. That shows she ain't had shit to do with it Raven.." He stepped in giving her his two cents, "Why didn't she just shoot you? She don't like yo ass.. Hell as your brother if I was in her situation - I would've blasted you.." He gave his sister the coldest eyes, "You need to be thankful.. You've been too ungrateful for too long Rae. As your brother you just ain't right - right now.." Concluding himself.

"For real.." interrupting his siblings, "Greg right about this one.. Tia is trained to shoot.. So theirs no hesitation if she was going to - she wouldn't have let you go.." Gee rubbed his beard taking in the info.

Smirking, "Right.. You just probably fucking her and your mind is clouded Gee!" Raven yelled, "Both of y'all act blind.. I see the Baby bitch for who and what she is--" Being cut off she didn't finish.

Frowning at his sister, "Yo.. You sound stupid as hell.. I trained her my fucking myself Raven.. So what are you trying to say??" Greg asked her. "What difference does it make, she saved your dumb ass.. You here because of her.. We at war and she got your ass out of the line of fire.." Irritated, "Do you know what he could possibly be doing to her right now because she got your ass out!!" Standing over his sister he wanted her to use her brain for a change.

Looking around, Raven felt like she was being ignored and out numbered by her own brothers. At that point it was pointless, "I'll take care of her.. Don't worry.." Mumbling the last part under her breath, she walked out of the room her brothers were in.


Sighing Tia was out the shower, the moment she walked into the bedroom Carter was laid across the bed watching the game. Grabbing her lotion she sat on the opposite side.

Still looking at the tv, "So what the fuck do you think is supposed to happen between you and me - Tia?" Carter muted the tv tossing the remote aside. "You disappear saying you're done - then you come back - now you wanna act like shit never happened.." He studied her body language. "You don't realize what your actions are telling me right now.." Staring at her back he noticed she didn't stop the task of putting lotion on.

Slightly laughing, "Carter.. You should be the one telling me.." Tia started to put lotion on her arms, "Come on now.. You the one talking about killing my family, a innocent little boy.. He has nothing to do with what you and Gee got going on.. He's all me, that's my nephew!!" She sounded wounded, "But through that whole situation.. You're really comfortable telling me, what my actions are showing you?" Glancing over her shoulder, "That right there shows something ain't right Carter.. Did you forget.. I've been against this war from the start.." Getting off the bed she went to the closet for some underwear.

Rubbing his hands across his face, "I feel you ma'.. I wasn't thinking about shit that way.." Carter sat silent, "Why didn't you pull the trigger and kill the bitch?" Watching the closet he waited for her to reappear and answer.

Shaking her head, "This war you created against Gee.." Using her hands to show her confusion, "Had nothing to do with me, my family or his.. This is something between the two of you.." Tia focused her eyes on him, "I don't like his sister and we never got along, but that shit you wanted me to do was down right foul.." She told him putting on a shirt, then picking up her sweats slipping them on.

Nodding his head, "You know what that means?" Carter asked Tia getting out of bed as she bent over putting her socks on.

Raising a eyebrow at him, "Until this shit over.. You ain't leaving. The only way you do is if you're with me. I don't give a fuck if the building is on fire, if you ain't with me.. You're sadly mistaking you're not walking out of here.." Carter turned her to face him, then kissed her cheek - then lips. "Understood?" He looked her in the eyes...




Death Before Dishonor {Baby 3}Where stories live. Discover now