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Gee watched as the coroner took his sister away on the gurney in a body bag. His heart was hurting worse than it ever had, and he didn't know how to deal with it !! Staring at the blood that stained the hotel floor, he had to sit down to gain his thoughts together ..

"Who pulled first ?" Gee asked not looking at his brother ..

Sighing, Greg's eyes was red !! He never took the beef between Tia, and Raven serious until he walked in on Raven with her gun pointed at Tia's head .. "When I walked in, Raven had her gun pointed at Tia .. when she glanced over at me Tia took it from her !! From what Tia was telling me, Raven wanted her dead because she thought Tia was going against you !! I talked the gun down, then out of nowhere Raven pulled another gun out on Tia .. and Tia shot her !!" His voice was low as he replayed the incident in his head ..

"What should I do ?" Gee asked, His voice was cold .. He was in love with Tia, Tia killed his sister, Her boyfriend had his fiancé .. and he was in the middle of it all .. He didn't even know where to start in picking up the pieces ..

"I think you should find Tia, and get Gabby back asap !!" Greg replied

The two men were still grieving, yet they both knew what they needed to do .. Picking up his phone, Gee dialed Tia's number .. After not getting a answer twice in a row, he had to just follow his gut ..

"Call up everybody, no more holding back !! If anybody see's Tia bring her to me .. I got a milli for whoever brings me Gabby and 2 mill for whoever brings me back Gabby & Carter !!" He said

Nodding, Greg stood up .. excusing himself to go make the phone call .. leaving his brother with his thoughts ..


Pulling up to her and Carter's house .. Tia typed in the security code and watched as the gates opened !! Praying her nephew, and Ronda was there she planned on getting them to California !! She had already called Meagan and scheduled their arrival, and they were to stay with her until Tia said otherwise .. Letting Meagan know she was to cut off all ties to Carter, she knew everything would eventually turn sour between the two .. and he knew Meagan and Tia were bestfriends so no telling what he would try to do .. Instructing her to leave her apartment and go to one of Tia's secret penthouses she had everything all sat up for her nephew and them to be secure until she made it back to California ..

As Tia opened the door to the mansion, she heard the sweet laughter of her nephew .. Covering her chest with her hand she took a moment to say a silent prayer as she smiled at the sound of his voice ..

"Hey Tia !!" Ronda said surprised as Tia hit the corner

"Hi !! Hey TeTe man .. how are you ?!" She asked scooping DJ up into her arms planting kisses all over his face ..

"He just woke up from a nap !!" Ronda smiled as she got up from the floor ..

"Ronda, I'm gonna need you to stay at my place for a while .. In California !!" She said

"California ?!" She asked surprised "Why ?!" Confusion was written all over her face ..

"Carter and I are not getting along, and it's too dangerous for DJ to be here .. just trust me !! You know I wouldn't hurt him !!" She said nodding towards DJ

Nodding, even though she had just met Tia .. Ronda knew nobody had DJ's best interest at heart more than her and Tia she trusted her ..

"Ok !! Do I need to pack ?!" She asked

"No, just get him a bag together .. there will be clothes and milk and stuff there for him when ya'll make it !!" Tia said heading for the door ..

Quickly packing DJ a bag, Ronda didn't take long to get the baby's stuff together .. Before long they were out of the house and on their way to the airport ..

"How long will we be there ?!" Ronda asked

"Until it's safe .. I don't know how long that'll be but .. from the way things are going .. It won't be long .. trust me !!" Tia replied, her voice was full of emotion and Ronda could tell

"You ok ?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm fine .. just take care of him !!" Tia said as she smiled at her nephew in the backseat .. "If you need anything just let Meagan know, or call me .." She said glancing between the road and her nephew ..

"Ok !!" Ronda responded

Tia made sure they got through security and on to the plane with no problems, letting Ronda know to call her when they landed !! And she texted Meagan to let her know they were on their way .. She got back in her car, and headed back into NYC !!

Hearing her phone vibrate, she seen a picture of a kid that looked a lot like Gee, and Young G .. Calling Carter she wanted to know what the fuck was going on .. now that her nephew was out of the way she was willing to pop off at any minute ..

"Who is that ?!" She asked ..

"Major, Gee's two year old son .. I also got his nanny here !!" He responded

Closing her eyes, Tia was in such a state of shock she had to pull over on the side of the road .. "Carter, don't you touch him !!" She replied

"Why not ?! He ain't your fuckin kid !!" He replied, his voice cold

"Carter, he's fucking two years old !! Don't hurt that little boy, or me and you are done !!" Hitting the steering wheel, Tia was near tears .. she was not the one to give a damn about anyone's feelings but the thought of that little boy being scared and alone put a knife through her heart .. even she had feelings ..

"Where you at ?!" He asked

"On my way back !!" She replied

"Hurry the fuck up !!" Disconnecting the call Carter's voice was cold, Tia started her car back up and sped as fast as she could back to Manhattan ..


Gee took to the streets immediately after his sister's death, he had a score to settle and he made no apologies for his brutal way of ruling. Death was now knocking at Carter's doorstep .. and he was front and center in the show .. Gunfire erupted throughout the penthouse, as he watched his team put in work !! They were so thorough they were only delivering head shots, no vest in the world could protect them from a hollow tip to the head !! Pulling a cigar from out of his blazer Carter place it to his lips, picking up a can that sat near his feet he began to douse the place with gasoline as his homeboys tied up the remaining men ..

A few of his men had died in the line of fire but now wasn't the time to grieve, they knew they were gambling with their lives the moment they agreed to do the mission .. Tossing some gasoline over the men tied to the chairs as well .. Gee looked around and noticed he didn't see Carter ..

"He not here !!" One of Gee's men said

Smirking, Gee didn't give a fuck .. He knew he would get him eventually ..

Lighting a match, Gee lit his cigar ..

The smell of gasoline was loud in the room as Carter's men struggled to free themselves from the restraints .. They never begged, they simply fought, and groaned !! Scaring their skin as they struggled to free themselves .. Even Gee had to admit, they had heart !! By now he expected them to be attempting to snitch on Carter's where abouts or either tell him some kind of information !! But they stayed silent .. all ready to meet their makers !!

"This is the price you pay working for Carter !!" He stated

Tossing the still lit match on to the floor, Gee watched as the place lit up like a inferno !! The men erupted into loud, gruesome hollering, Gee could only imagine the pain they were in but like he said .. that was the price they had to pay for even so much as being affiliated with Carter ..

"Let's go !!" Gee ordered .. Together they left the room ..




Death Before Dishonor {Baby 3}Where stories live. Discover now