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Tia watched as the movers took her old furniture out, and brought the new in. Sipping on her wine, she wanted to remove every memory of Jayceon and anything that reminded her of him. At one point they had had great memories in every room of that place, but now they were all clouded by the bad memories !! Shaking her head she wiped her eyes as she felt a tear roll down her cheek ..

Calling Meagan, Tia wanted to know what Carter had up his sleeve .. The more and more she thought of the situation at hand the more and more she realized that eventually if Carter, and Gee didn't reconcile she would be attending one of their funeral. Shaking her head that was something she wasn't prepared for, and she hated that they couldn't get along just for her.

"Hello" Meagan answered the phone

"Hey, where are you ?" Tia asked, frowning at the all of the noise she was hearing on the other end

"The airport !!" She replied

"The airport ? Why ?" Tia asked as she walked out to the balcony

"Carter, he said it wasn't safe to be around right now and that he was gonna fly me back out to California !!" Meagan replied

Rolling her eyes, Tia was annoyed at just how much Carter wasn't even telling her .. He was moving all of the pieces on the board without even so much as consulting her first .. Noticing Tia's silence Meagan spoke, "He didn't tell you ?" She asked

Sighing, Tia shook her head as if she could see her "No, he didn't !!" Tia replied drinking the last of her wine ..

"Well, Yeah .. that's what happened !!" She replied

"Have a safe flight Meagan, call me when you land !!" Hanging up the phone, Carter had taken away the last person she had to release her emotions on .. So she was stuck with her conscious alone ..


Sitting on a metal bench smack dead in the middle of Central Park, Gee sat thinking of the way his life had started to become full circle !! He finally had everybody he loved around him, he just had to get rid of the barrier that was Carter in order to fully have Tia with him .. He didn't know who her loyalty was with in the midst of everything but he was working to find out !! Even Gee had to admit Carter had a advantage, he wasn't from around New York which meant he didn't know where he lurked .. He didn't know where he did business, he was basically a mystery to look into .. Gee had handed the throne over to Rio and Greg for good reason. The streets were basically sucking what little soul he had left out of him..

"Big OG, out here in the open .. I know retirement don't got you slipping this damn hard !!" Gee heard a soft voice from behind him say .. "If I wanted to pop you--" Cut off Tia didn't get to finish her sentence

Smiling, he was glad to hear her voice..

"You couldn't !!" Gee said cutting in, as Tia walked around the bench to face him

Pointing his finger straight ahead of him then off to the sides, Gee pointed out the goons he had lurking around .. Showing that he was never left unprotected .. Smiling, Tia Saturday beside him. He moved like a boss at all times, that's where Tia got her gangsta mentality from. She was around Gee so much, his way of life had become hers as well.

"Why am I not surprised ?" She giggled looking straight ahead ..

Looking over at her, Gee was happy to see her .. but he also knew she popped up on him for a reason ..

"What's up ?" He asked

Sighing, Tia focused her eyes on her hands .. playing with her diamond ring he could tell she wanted to say something ..

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