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Sitting in his car down the road from Gee's warehouse, Domino watched as Tia disappeared behind the gates .. It was no doubt in his mind that it was Gee's spot because of all of the security !! The place was locked down like Fort Knox .. Men stood outside with binoculars, machine guns, electric fences guarded the place, pitbulls graced the yard, and there were men standing on the upper tower with guns.. Backing away from the place before one of them spotted him Domino got Carter on the phone ..

"Yo, man .. I think she meeting with Gee !!" He said as he drove off

"And why is that ?" Carter asked as he sighed, Domino could hear the frustration in his voice ..

"I sent you pictures of the spot she went in, ain't nobody got no rank for all that in New York but Gee !! The only other conclusion I got for you is that she undercover bigger than what she claiming to be or either she involved with somebody other than you and Gee that's movin some weight !! But I'm putting my money on Gee, I'm sure he somewhere up in there !!" Domino replied confident with his investigation

Gritting his teeth together Carter didn't understand why she would go visit him after he sent goons up into there spot, unless she knew what was gonna happen .. Shaking his head Carter didn't want to believe that Tia would set him up, but he also wasn't gonna put it past her either ..

"Text me the address !!" Carter said in a low tone

"Aight, but Carter .. we'll need more gunpower to get up in this bitch !! Check them pictures out and let me know what you think .. I think it's about time you let Tia go before she get you caught up in some shit because right now she ain't lookin too fuckin trustworthy !!" Domino concluded

Sighing, Carter didn't need any nigga telling him shit about his woman .. but at the same time he understood where he was coming from !! "I'll hit you back later !!" Carter said before ending the call ..

Sitting in silence he gathered his thoughts together ..

"You alright ?" He heard a soft voice ask from beside him

Glancing over at Gabby he had almost forgot that she was in the room..

"Yeah, I'm good !!" He replied rubbing his beard

"If you don't mind me asking.. what is she like ?" Gabby asked with a smile

"What is who like ?" He smirked

"Your girlfriend, you haven't told me her name, or what she looks like .. I'd like to know more about the woman who has your heart !!" She replied with a smile ..

Smirking, Carter looked away from Gabby and pictured Tia in his mind .. "She's rough, she's hardcore, she mean as fuck !!" Earning a giggle from Gabby he continued "I've never seen her cry but once, she's stubborn, and hardheaded !!" He finished as he ran his hand down his face ..

"What's her name ?" She asked

Looking up at the ceiling Carter thought of a fake name "Tosha !!" He quickly responded

Nodding, Gabby listened for more "She sounds rough, like you said !!" She laughed

"Well, she is .. but she down for me, she love me and I love her !!" He said as he got up to pour him a drink

Looking down to play with her hands, Gabby felt slightly jealous .. "Is she attractive ?" She asked

Smiling, Carter thought of Tia .. She was more than attractive in his eyes, she was perfect !! "Hell yeah !!" He laughed "Very attractive !!" He responded

Smirking, Gabby had heard enough as she stood up and walked over to him .. Sliding the straps of her dress off of her shoulders she locked eyes with Carter as she stripped out of her clothing .. "More attractive than me ?" She asked as she slid her dress down to her ankles ..

Death Before Dishonor {Baby 3}Where stories live. Discover now