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The more Tia stared into Carter's eyes the more mad she got.. Laughing, she pushed his hand away from her face and walked away from him ..

"Carter !!" Turning around, she pinned her hair up into a high bun .. "I know you've only known me for what .. 4, almost 5 years !! But I think you should know .. nobody, and that includes you .. tells me where I can and can't fuckin go !!"

Flicking the bridge of his nose, Carter walked closer to her "Why you gotta be so fuckin complicated ?! .. I'm tired of you disappearing and reappearing.. I'm at war.. You my girl, I'm worried about yo safety.." Now in her face, Carter grabbed ahold of her arm. "You gonna listen to me or I'm going to remind you of what I'm fuckin capable of Tia.." He replied glaring down at her.

Laughing, "Try it.." Tia looked at him, balling up her free fist. "Promise you this time I won't take it laying down.." With anger her voice sounded cold..

Looking down seeing her fist, Carter knew the last thing he wanted to do was try fucking her into submission. "Alright.. If you ain't gonna stay here, then I'm going to give you a bodyguard.." Carter told her matter of factly letting her arm go..

"For what ? You're worried about my safety Carter ? Really ? From who ? Because, if it's Gee you're worried about you out your fuckin mind .. Gee wouldn't hurt me if his life depended on it !! And ain't nobody else in New York fuckin brave enough to so much as look at me wrong !! So who the fuck are you saving me from ?" She asked pushing him out of her way ..

Yanking her back by her arm, Carter pulled her into his chest "Chill out, you pissin me off !!" He replied calmly .. Pushing her arm away he walked out of the room

Smirking, Tia followed him "Don't walk away now !! You started this shit so let's finish it !!" She yelled pulling his arm back

Snatching away from Tia, Carter sighed "I'm done talkin to you, you wanna do what the fuck you wanna do you gonna do it while Domino with you.. period !! Like I said before, you getting a bodyguard or you stayin the fuck inside !!" Glaring down at her Carter was tired of arguing with her .. Knowing Tia she could go all night and he wasn't trying to hear it ..

"Where's my nephew ?" She asked folding her arms across her chest ..

"I'll have them come by tomorrow !!" He said sitting down, and lighting a blunt ..

Smirking, Tia walked back into the bedroom .. Slamming the door she locked it and went to bed ..


Waking up to the sounds of automatic rifles, Tia had already woken up on the wrong side of the bed !! Quickly getting out of bed, she ran to Carter's closet .. Typing in his security code on the keypad Tia watched as the wall slid back .. revealing another room that looked similar to a army artillery closet !! Grabbing the first automatic she seen, she glanced behind her as she closed the door back .. Hearing someone trying to break the door down, Tia grabbed a chair from the sitting area sitting it a few feet in front of the door .. Aiming it she waited for the whoever it was to enter ..

As quick as the door flew off the hinges, Tia started shooting .. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as she watched the bullets shred their insides !! Her adrenaline was rushing, and anyone who stepped foot in her path were gonna die .. Watching as the last guy hit the floor, Tia stood up !! Her face and shirt were stained with blood spatter as she stepped over their bodies and into the living room .. Looking up .. Carter stared her back in the eyes !!

"Did you really think that bitch wasn't gonna tell him ? And tell him where the fuck we rested our heads ?!" He asked kicking a body out of his way with his foot ..

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