Ch. 10 -Hospital Visits

Start from the beginning

This was all such a rush and I literally had no clue what I was even doing.

All I knew was that I needed to get to that hospital.


I rushed up to the third floor, positively sprinting down the hallway towards where my aunt was pacing angrily outside of a room, biting her nails and glancing at the clock with a mixture of worry and impatience. A small crowd of people were gathered nervously in chairs nearby, watching her apprehensively. 

My aunt glanced up upon hearing me approaching and a look of slight reassurance came over her. “Hi, Mandy.” She called.

“Hey,” I replied breathlessly, coming to a halt outside the door and clutching a stitch in my chest. “How is he?”

She shook her head. “They haven’t said. He’s just been admitted, and they’re not letting anyone else enter the room until they’ve run a quick examination.”

I groaned, closing my eyes tightly and leaning against the wall. “Oh my gosh.” I muttered, a desperate plea to my voice. 

“I know, honey.” My aunt murmured soothingly.

“Do you think he’s gonna be okay?” I asked worriedly.

She merely held her hands up in a shrug. “I don’t know. I mean, I should hope so, it didn’t look like he was hurt too badly, but...I can’t say anything for sure.”

I groaned again, biting my lip nervously.

This was not looking good.

After what seemed like several hours of painful anticipation, the door to the hospital room opened, and a professional-looking man poked his head out.

“Mrs. Butler?” He called questioningly.

My aunt whirled around immediately and looked at him with wide eyes.

He motioned for her to follow him into the room. “You can come in now.”

She nodded quickly and gave me a quick nod to indicate that I should join her. 

I did, and together, the two of us walked into the room.

It was a small but nevertheless nice room, neatly furnished and filled with several other adults. Ryan was lying in the center of the room on a hospital bed, still unconscious. Several of the gashes on his head had been patched up with white bandages and he had a slightly content expression on his face.

“Well?” My aunt asked urgently, looking at one of the doctors expectantly. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He’s going to be fine.” The doctor assured her. “He has a few contusions, and it looks like he’s got a concussion, but he should be able to make a full recovery with no problem.”

She breathed a large sigh of relief around the same time that I exhaled gratefully, closing my eyes and clasping my hands together in thanks.

The doctors proceeded to begin showing a clipboard filled with notes they’d scribbled to my aunt, explaining what had happened and how long they thought it would take for him to regain consciousness.

As they were doing this, I crossed the room to Ryan’s bed, staring down at him sadly and taking his limp hand in mine. I bit my lip nervously and let out a sigh. I ran a hand through my hair and let my eyes wander to a large square window that was next to his bed. The blinds were currently drawn open, and I could see the large hospital parking lots; cars of all colors were dotted throughout the lot, and various groups of people that all seemed to be in a hurry were heading in various directions: towards the hospital, towards the cars, towards the bustling street beyond. I could see a few people rushing into the emergency room entrance and I suddenly felt slightly sick.

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