Chapter 80

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EDIT: 4-10-22 (sorry for those who run into this twice)So . . . Yall know how horrific Stopwatch is for its typos? And how people are always complaining? But I hate that fic with a passion and refuse to touch it?Maybe . . . For every Tip tier subscriber, I get on my Patreon I could edit one chapter? Hmm? anyone? Any bites?

Link can also be found on my profile.

" He didn't mean that. "

" Yes he did. He clearly didn't want me there. He doesn't want me any more. I've lost the cool new toy glow and now he's bored and done with me. "

" Wade. He didn't mean forever. He's not done with you. Can you really expect him to be done with you after everything he's done and gone through? You fucked him up pretty bad with his timer and here you've gone and done it again. You promised him you'd never let it happen again didn't you?"

[ well could you use the word done any more times in a total of three sentences?]

Immense guilt washes over the mercenary at the thought. But he had to. He couldn't take Yellow much longer. He had been screaming so loud. He just wanted him to be quiet for a few minutes.

" How do you know that?"  He asks already expecting the answer.

" I read you diary."

Wade it's the serious moment on pause as he looks at her in confusion before understanding what she's talking about. The feeling of violation and discontent pulls at him at the idea of someone going through his notebooks. The notebooks he and white had been putting together since he had met Peter. Trying to write down everything he did with Peter. Putting the pictures his soulmate gave him in the collection too. Just trying to collect all the memories they made. For a time when he wouldn't be able to create anymore. . . A time when Spider-Man was no more.

" Those aren't for you. " Wade says.

" I know. That's why I had to go through them." She says with a quirky smile, tilting her head ever so much before the expression falls away. " But you understand what you've done?"

" He broke his promise too." Wade responds not looking at the injured shifter.

" But does that really make it okay?" She asks. Wade looks away and doesn't answer. A long silence filling the room.   
" You both hurt each other. But you have to think it through okay. Max says looking at him carefully, trying to make some sort of calculation as she sits across from him. 

White starts to whisper appealing ideas to him. Urging him to retreat back to their soulmate. White snapping out the harsh regrets that could happen if the did listen to the ideas.

" You can make it all better. You just have to make the right choice. " She adds after a while.

" Life doesn't work that way. One choice won't fix it. It's going to have to be many choices I'll have to choose correctly. I think it's quite obvious I'm not capable of making the right ones on my own." He says standing up. A cool feeling washing over him.

He has made a decision of his own. Without the boxes opinions. Without their influence. He knows what will help Peter. It would help them both.

" It'll be easier this way. He can start over. Can forget." He continues as he walks away from the seat.

" And what about you? Will you start over? Will you forget?" She asks.

Wade glances at her once with a slight chuckle. None of his true personality showing through. Just Deadpool. The part of Deadpool everyone feared. The unstable, deadly mercenary with a short fuse. He had shut himself inside all within hurt a single moment. He shakes his head in answer.

If only he knew his idea wasn't his own at all....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The arachnid finally makes his way towards his soulmate's apartment. Wade had to be there. Where else would he have gone?

Numerous options occurred to Peter. The fact that he knew Wade has multiple jokes and warehouses was a well known fact. The only problem was that Peter never asked and was never told about their whereabouts.

His hand instinctively moves to wipe away a tear, only for his hand to be blocked by the mask fabric and the glass lens.

The sirens of police cars ring out and echo between the hundreds of brick and concrete buildings of New York far below Peter as he swings effortlessly through the night air.

He lands on the Fire escape outside of Wade's window before he taps on it.  He waits anxiously for a number of minutes before looking in. His heart beat quickens as he thinks about what Wade could be doing.

He lets his fingers cling to the glass before pulling up. When the window his open enough for him he climbs in.

The apartment is eerily silent, thought the scent of his Soulmate is still strong in the home. A sight of his most recent presence.

" Wade?" Peter calls out. His voice is hoarse from crying.

Max contemplates whether she feels like dying today or not before she speaks. Deciding perhaps mercy would be a possible outcome from the spider though not putting much hope into the thought.

" He's gone Peter."

Peter's attention snaps at the direction of the shifter's voice. What did she mean gone?

" He didn't plan on coming back Peter." She adds in a bland, tired tone.

Peter glares at her, not caring about a work she says as he begins to look around around.

He finds a sheet of notebook paper on the table with quickly written, get still nice hand writing. Peter always had been amazed by the mercenary's skill at the simple task.

Peter's eyes scan over the words quickly before stopping at the end. He goes back to the beginning again and starts over, trying to read with comprehension of the words as a deep hurt sets in.

He slowly sinks down to his knees as he reads over the last few lines again.

Sorry it had to end this way, but it's for the best. Hope you find someone worth you're time... I love you.


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