Chapter 23

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" I know they won't mistake me for the real Spidey despite the mask. " Wade says quietly to Peter as they stand in line at a Five Guys burger place.

" What makes you so sure of that?" Peter asks.

" I'm too tall." Wade answers.

The mercenary watches Peter as the teen stays deadly still for a moment before turning to him with narrowed eyes. And exact replica of how the lenses of his mask would contract if he would have had it on.

( Except his eyes aren't that huge.)

[ Why are the eyes so big anyway?]

' Probably so he can see because he's got a mask on. And compared to ours his is much better because we don't have much for peripheral Vision.' Wade mentally answers.

" Your just freakishly tall." Peter says after a long moment before looking ahead of them again.

( He's just the perfect hight for us to just set our jaw on his head without discomfort.) White notes.

[ Don't do it.]

Wade settles for a little huff as he listens to the boxes.

" What?" Peter questions noting the behavior.

" Nothing," Wade saws looking down at Peter who in response gives him a gentle look.

[ I don't like how he can see right through our words.]

( Oh, and then once our chin is resting on his head we can hug him from behind and he'll be all cute and probably blush then we could lean down and tell him he's blushing and say how cute he is.) White says still completely lost in his fantasies.

Wade couldn't deny the thought was something he'd love to actually live but he also knew neither he nor Spidey were really quite that far. He doesn't Trust Peter enough yet. He doesn't trust the teen not to turn on him, to tell Wade what he is before leaving the man to let his own darkness continue devour him further.

Something nudges his arm causing him to look down. Peter nods towards the front where the cashier waits patiently. Her dark eyes seemingly taking in ever detail of the scene in front of here. Very calculating, a look Wade was well aware of being he used it often with his line of profession.

[ Well now that's a rarity. Patient cashiers. ] Yellow mumbles over White who is still fantasizing sweet and fluffy moments.

" Will it be your usual?" The cashier asks moving russet hair out of her way as she speaks. Her question instantly   confusing the Merc.

Wade never comes here, so how would he have a 'usual'. And then he's wearing a mask so they wouldn't know who he was anyway.

' Oh right. Spidey mask. Course he comes here all suited up.'

" Sure." Wade answers.

The cashier nods tapping the register a few times as and extra order appears in the small screen. Telling them the totally before Wade pays much to Peter's annoyance.

" I know your not Spidey. Too tall. " She says, her northern accent sticking out against those of the New Yorkers. Wade resists the urge to say ' told you so' but she continues. " Voice isn't right and doesn't squeak or catch on the right right words. Too built."

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