Chapter 63

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Deadpool's fingers don't pull away from their occupation inside of the Spider as he looks over his shoulder at the person intruding in on them.

" What are you doing to 'im? Spider-Man, y'all right? Should I call the fuzz?"

Peter manages a petrified expression in his diligent horror to acting being walked in on before he makes a high pitched almost feminine sound as Wade curls his fingers again, pushing up into his prostate again.

It takes him a moment in his panting to remember to answer the man's appreciated but unneeded concern.

" Na I'm alright." He mumbles. Some how blood is directed to his cheeks and ears as he answers slightly ashamed to be in this situation. God why didn't have to happen? See he had been completely in the green to be anxious. He shouldn't have listened to what ever had convinced him it would be alright to just strip down in the light of day because you want the D.

Peter's whole face is painted in deep red as he answers. Why did this man have to come? At least it was someone who didn't hate him, But they caught him with his pants down... And with Wade's fingers shoved up his ass.

" You sure? I know who this guy is. I known what he does. I'll go get help."

Peter feels like crying in frustration for so many reasons. One of them being his damned teenage libido. Why couldn't he just have an off switch in some instances?

" If you don't scram you're going to get to seen first class just how good I am at my job I'm so well known for." Wade growls at the man.

Peter listens and hears no evidence that the stranger had walked away. He would give it to the man. He was brave but Insanely stupid.

Peter tried to speak again but Wade makes it that much harder when his fingers start moving again.

" N-no I'm. Im okay." Peter stutters off.

" Man you sure? You don't sound too good."

" Would you mind? You're sort of interrupting something." Wade says as the one hand without digits up inside of Peter reaches for on of his weapons Peter knows had been replaced with rubber bullets.

The stranger backs off with the new threat of the firearm. Peter let's out a sigh of relief when the footsteps stop echoing in the alley and returns to the street.

" Some people."

" They didn't see anything did they? W-would it be okay if we could go home?" Peter asks as he inches up the wall slightly, fingers Justin accordingly inside of him.

" Home?" Wade questions.

Peter's blush deepens. " Y-you know what I mean. One of our- Do you want to move in? Or maybe we can find a place of our own? I don't know. Maybe you don't want to or not ready for that but-"

" Shh baby boy." Wade say holding a finger of his clean hand up to Peter's lips to gently silence him. " We'll talk about it later. Right now I have a problem to fix." He says lifting his finger from Peter's soft pink lips to trail down his defined torso and up his somehow still effect cock even after the bone killer incident that had just taken place with the strangers presence.

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