Chapter 27

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"Wow, you're all smiles today."

I smiled even wider at Lindsey as I came to a stop next to her locker. "I'm back with Elliot."

She rolled her eyes. "About time! So where is he?"

"Not here yet." I glanced down the hallway. "Have you seen Jake around? I need to talk to him. That's why I'm here early." I knew it probably wasn't the best idea to talk to him about what happened Friday, which is a main reason why I didn't come to school yesterday. But he needs to know that I have a boyfriend, and it's not him.

"Yeah," she said slowly. "Um. I think he was at his locker a couple minutes ago. Why? Is everything alright between you two? He was kinda acting strange when your name was brought up."

I raised an eyebrow. "You guys were talking about me?"

"Only wondering where you were. But seriously, did something happen?"

I sighed. "So he didn't tell you?" Lindsey shook her head. "Then never mind." It wasn't my place to tell her.


I nodded before turning to head towards the conversation I was dreading having, then a thought popped into my head. "If I don't make it out of this conversation alive," I said, turning back to face Lindsey. "Please tell Elliot that I love him."

"That's sweet, Colton. But why won't you make it? What the hell happened between you and Jake?"

I shrugged. "Ask him. It's not my place to say." With that, I continued on my way down the hall.

As soon as I turned the corner, I ran right into the one person I knew I had to talk to, no matter how much I didn't.

"Colton. Hi."

"Hi, Jake." I sighed. "Can we talk?"

He nodded slowly. "Yeah. I was going to ask the same thing."

Neither of us said anything else for a good minute or so. "So that night..." Jake started at the same time I said "About Friday..."

I shook my head and let him go first. "I'm sorry, Colton, for kissing you. I don't even know what came over me."

"You were drinking."


"I am not interested in you like that," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "And I'm actually dating Elliot again."

"Oh, okay. Yeah. Cool." He cracked his knuckles a couple times, looking down at his hands. "Yeah." He then looked back at me. "Are we okay? Still friends?"

I nodded my head slowly. "As long as you don't try to kiss me again. My boyfriend's strong. He and I will both kick your ass."

Jake's eyes widened slightly at the threat. "Yeah, no. Of course. Never again."

"So are you gay or something?" I asked, kinda changing the topic.

He shrugged. "Something. I think. I'm not too sure. Does that make sense?"

I gave him a small smile. "Yeah, perfectly."

The warning bell rang out over our heads and Jake looked behind me, down the hallway. "I have to go, actually. But I'll see ya later, man, right?"

I nodded as he started heading away. I wanted to go talk to Elliot before class started anyway. He should probably be at his locker by now.

I started heading in his direction, but only took about two steps before someone tapped me on my shoulder. Turning around, I came face to face with my boyfriend, who didn't look too happy.

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