Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe Colton was actually in my house. He was really here. Like, sitting down at the table in the seat next to me, here.

I felt like I was dreaming.

Except I wasn't, otherwise he would be mine, and we probably wouldn't be sitting at the table with my moms getting to know each other like this.

"So Colton," Mama was saying. "Are you on the football team, too?"

Colton shook his head. "Soccer. I'm totally not tough enough for football."

"I'm sure that's not true," I blurted out. "I mean..." I looked down at my plate, feeling myself blushing. "I can handle myself out there pretty well, and you seem more than capable, especially because you're so..." I let my voice trail off, realizing what I was saying, and slowly lifted my eyes to look at Colton.

He was smiling at me. "I'm so what?"

"Um. Athletic?" Yeah. That's a good word. Right?

He let out a soft chuckle. "Thanks, I guess. Uh, I never actually played football before. It just seems so confusing."

"Like soccer isn't?"

He rolled his eyes and smirked. "Well when you've been playing it for eleven years, it becomes a pretty easy sport. I should teach you the rules sometime."

I smiled back at him, trying to keep myself from blushing. I really needed to stop all this blushing, he was going to notice eventually, if he hasn't already. "Only if you let me teach you about the greatest sport ever. I may not have been playing football for eleven years, but I still know how to play."

"It's good to know my teacher knows what he's talking about."

"I feel the same way."

"Boys," Mom said. I looked up at her, slightly startled. I actually forgot they were here. "Do you want seconds?"

I glanced down at my empty plate. When did that happen? "Uh, yeah. I'll have some more."

Mom reached to hand me the bowl of pasta as Mama asked if Colton wanted any more.

He thought for a second before answering. "Sure, I guess. Thanks."

I handed him the bowl when I was done, and our fingers grazed each other. There was some sort of connection there, and it felt right. I gave Colton a small smile before quickly looking down again. But I did happen to catch his own smile before he served himself more food.

After dinner, which involved a few more blushes (surprisingly not just from me) and smiles shared between the two of us, Colton and I found ourselves in my bedroom.

"I really like your moms," Colton said, sitting down on my really quickly made bed that I did three seconds ago. "They seem like good parents."

I smiled. "They are, definitely."

"Much better than my parents." I nodded slowly, not sure what to say. "Come sit with me," he said as he patted the bed.

I hesitated. I had been leaning up against my dresser unsure of where else to be in order to not be awkward. But I guess if he wanted me to sit next to him, then that wasn't too awkward, right? So I went and sat down, leaving a decent amount of distance between us.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" he asked, and I scoffed, unable to help myself. "Boyfriend?"

I shook my head. "Neither, but there is a boy I have my eye on." I blushed, but continued talking before he could ask who. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

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