Chapter 11

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"So are you ever going to tell me where you were planning on taking me today?"

I looked at Elliot with a smile. We were both laying back on my bed, not having anything else we wanted to do. "Nope. Cause I still plan on taking you, just not today."

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Why couldn't we just go today? I'm fine."

I shook my head. I had planned out a picnic date for us today, but because it was a walk to get to, I didn't want him to have to walk that far. He probably would have been fine with it, but I didn't want to take any chances. "Were you fine an hour ago when I turned on the PlayStation? Cause that totally didn't last very long." He had immediately gotten dizzy when the game started, so I needed to turn it off. After that, it was just this, which was nice, just talking.

Elliot scoffed. "Does this date involve video games? Is that what you're saying?"

I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. If he didn't stop asking questions, I'd end up telling him every detail about it. "Maybe."

He sighed, but thankfully dropped the subject. "So what you said to your dad earlier, that you're not completely gay. What did you mean by that? Are you bi?"

I shrugged, not knowing what I am. I totally wasn't bi. But why would he think that? "I don't just like guys. I like girls too. Does that make sense?" I sure hoped it did. I didn't want him to think I was some werido or something.

"I think the word you're looking for is bisexual."

I sat up. "What?" Now I was confused. It's got to mean something other than what I thought it did. "What does it mean?"

"It means exactly what you just said: liking both boys and girls." He started laughing. "Did you really not know what being bi meant?"

That makes so much more sense now. I feel like I just had some sort of enlightening. "I've totally heard about it before, but..." I said slowly, not sure if I should tell him what I had thought it meant. I said it anyway. "I always thought it meant having sex with two people at once."

Elliot put his hands over his face. "Oh, god. I'm dating an idiot." The words were muffled, but I still heard them.

"Hey!" He dropped his hands to look at me with those big brown eyes. "I was raised by homophobic parents for most of my life. I'm only just starting to learn about all of this stuff, okay?"

He smiled, sitting up as well. "I'm only kidding. I know you're not an idiot."

My stomach decided to join the conversation at that point with a very loud growl. I quickly placed a hand on my stomach, hoping that would quiet it before Elliot heard, but there was no point.

"Are you hungry?" he asked. "You haven't eaten anything today."

I shrugged. "I could go for some food, considering it's practically lunch time." I stood up from the bed and stuck my hand out to pull Elliot to his feet. "What do you want?"

He shook his head. "I'm good."

I wasn't going to take that answer. No matter what, Eliot was going to eat lunch with me. We should have sandwiches. "Are you allergic to anything?" I asked, just in case.

"Peanuts, but not deathly allergic."

I nodded slowly. There goes my plan. "How about grilled cheese?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "You're really not going to give up are you?"

I gently brought my lips to his. "Nope."

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