Chapter 26

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The doorbell rang and I paused my movie to answer the door. Outside on the front step were three little girls, one dressed as a princess, another as a cowgirl, and the third as a blue M&M, her face paint starting to rub off already.

"Trick or treat!" they shouted together.

I smiled at them as I dropped a couple pieces of candy into each of their bags. "Happy Halloween!" I said, with fake cheerfulness, before giving a small wave to their parents who were standing on the sidewalk, watching.

The girls chorused their thank yous before running off to the next house. I glanced down the street, but didn't see anyone heading directly for my house, so I went back inside to resume my movie for another couple of minutes. Not the ideal situation to be watching something, but it was better than sitting around and thinking.

"You know, you don't have to answer the door every time," Mama said, walking into the room just as I sat back down.

I smiled at her. "I know. But I don't mind, really."

It also helped that it was a pretty decent distraction from my life right now. I hadn't seen or heard from Colton since Friday night. I didn't even see him at school today, not like I was actively looking for him or anything...

Just as I was about to press play on the remote, the doorbell rang again. I sighed, putting the remote down, but Mama put up her hand to stop me. "I got this one, honey."


Again, just as I was about to press play, Mama called my name. Confused, I stood up and headed over to the front door. She was standing there, with the door wide open, although I couldn't see who was standing on the other side of her. As soon as I walked up, however, I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was.


He was staring right at me, what looked like determination and maybe even a bit of fear in his eyes.

Mama put her hand on my arm for a second before turning and leaving the two of us alone. Neither of had said anything yet, and I wasn't sure whether he wanted me to start, even though he's the one who came here.

So, eventually, I asked, "Where's your costume?"

He gave a short laugh, but one that was filled with sadness. "I'm wearing it." I looked down at his plain t-shirt and jeans - his usual outfit - and raised an eyebrow. "Can't you tell that I'm an idiot?"

I smiled a little bit. "Oh, yeah?"

He nodded, but didn't have a chance to say anything when two boys, probably around ten years old, pushed in front of Colton and held out their bags. "Trick or treat!" they yelled loudly. Grabbing the bowl of candy, I dropped one piece into the bags of Darth Vader and Indiana Jones. They didn't even say thank you before running away again.

"Kids, right?" I said with a laugh, shaking my head. But then I remembered exactly why Colton was standing in front of me. "Sorry, you were saying something about being an idiot?"

"Yeah. I'm an idiot for letting you go, Elliot. I never should have done that, and that makes me the biggest idiot of all." I didn't say anything, not sure what to say to that, so he went on. "I thought I could force myself to stick to girls, because I wouldn't be able to handle what other people would say about us or any guy that I might have found myself with, but you're the only person I can see. Elliot, I love you, I do. And, if you're willing to forgive me, do you want to be my boyfriend again?"

I sighed. "I don't know." I watched as his face fell, and I couldn't help but smirk. "You didn't even bother coming in a proper costume. Halloween is supposed to be when you dress up as something you're not. I already knew you were an idiot." His small, hopeful smile returned. "I also know that you can still be my idiot."

The New Kid (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora