Chapter 7

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I didn't have a plan when I walked out of that house. All I knew was that I couldn't stay there any longer with Elliot looking up at me with the guiltiest look on his face when all I needed was space to think.

I liked girls, a lot.

I also liked Elliot.

But did I like him the same way I like girls?

That kiss was definitely something else. It wasn't a Suzy Lipton kiss, that's for sure. It wasn't because of a dumb game of spin the bottle back in eighth grade at a party that Suzy Lipton was only invited to because someone felt sorry for her for having no friends. It wasn't a kiss that led to dating Suzy Lipton for two weeks out of pity because she asked you out later that night because you were her first kiss.

No, that was definitely not a Suzy Lipton kiss.

That was an Elliot Reynolds kiss.

And I wanted another one.

"Sup, loser?"

I jumped, startled by the voice coming from next to me. I looked over to see Lindsey peddling slowly on her bike to match my pace. I stopped walking just as she put her feet on the ground.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

She grinned. "Funny. I was just about to ask you the same thing."

I took a look around quickly before realizing that I couldn't recognize anything. "I honestly have no clue where I am."

She nodded slowly. "And why are you wandering streets that you're unfamiliar with this close to dark?"

I shrugged. How did I tell the girl I had a crush on that a boy kissed me, and that I liked it? And now I'm out here trying to think everything through before I go home. If I ever actually find my way home.

"You know," I said, changing the topic. "I think I asked you a question."

She thought for a second before nodding. "I saw you pass by my house, so I followed. Not in a creepy way, of course, just in a curious way because you looked like you were having some sort of internal debate with yourself. Now, are you going to tell me what's on your mind?"

I sighed, wishing she hadn't said that. As much as I wanted to think this over by myself, I couldn't help but share anything and everything with people, which is why I can't keep secrets. I had already avoided a very similar conversation with her this morning. I wouldn't get away with it again.

"I'm confused."

"About how to get home or about something else?" She laughed. I didn't.

"Both. It's... I'm confused about my sexuality," I finally said, looking down at my feet. I couldn't believe I was about to tell the girl I had a crush on about the boy I had a crush on. Did I have a crush on him? Was that what I was feeling?

"So you were checking out the football team yesterday!"

"No!" My eyes snapped to hers. She was smiling. "Okay, there's one player. He kissed me tonight."

Lindsey squealed and jumped off her bike. It clattered to the ground as she pulled me into a quick hug. I wished it lasted longer. "Wait," she said as soon as she let go of me. "When did this kiss happen? You didn't just leave afterwards, did you?"

I shrugged. "Maybe?" She hit my arm, not enough for it to hurt, but it definitely wasn't a feather. "Ow. I told him that I needed to figure myself out and that I wasn't mad at him. Then I left."

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