Chapter 8

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I couldn't even bear to look at Colton the next day at school.

And it's not because I didn't want to, because I did. It was because of what Josh had told me last night: be friends, just not more than friends. But how could I be friends with Colton if I didn't even know what he had been thinking ever since he left my house last night? Since I kissed him?

He probably hated me.

"What's up with you today?" Jared asked me. We were in the hallway in between third and fourth periods, and I guess I was too far into my head to listen to what he had been saying.

I sighed before telling him everything. "I just don't know what I'm going to say to him," I finished with. "I don't even know what he's thinking!"

"That's why you need to talk to him."

Then he did the most unexpected thing. Jared shoved me to the other side of the hallway. Right into Colton, who was standing at his locker. I hadn't even realized we had gotten this far.

"Well I guess that's my cue to leave," I heard a girl say. I didn't look towards her voice, too focused on his captivating eyes. "See you later, Colton. And remember. Details."

He nodded slowly as she left. "Hi," he said to me.

"Hi. Sorry."

He looked at me confused. "Why are you sorry? I should be the one saying I'm sorry. I ran out on you last night."

I shook my head. "I get why you did that. I'm also sorry for kissing you." Especially because now nothing was going to come of it.

"Don't be," he said with a small smile. I couldn't stop my heart from giving a little flutter. "I liked it. I like you, Elliot."

I grinned widely. "I like you too, but-" I stopped, looking down at my feet.

"Josh talked to you, didn't he?"

I nodded and looked back up at him, my smile gone. So he knew too.

"Screw them."


Before he could explain, the bell rang, telling us that we were now late for class. I sighed. I hated being late for class. I also hated the fact that I needed to stop talking to Colton now to actually go to class.

"I guess we'll finish this conversation later," he said, sounding kind of disappointed. Then, he quickly closed the distance between us and pecked me on my lips before walking away.

I stood there, shocked.

Colton just kissed me. Like he really just kissed me.

"Mr. Reynolds? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

I turned to see one of the hall monitors standing behind me. I nodded my head at her. "I'm sorry. I'm going."

When I finally found myself in my class, I couldn't concentrate. All I could think about was Colton kissing me. Did he want to do this, even though our brothers said no? Is that what he was saying?

"Dude. What's wrong with you?"

I looked to my right to see Jared sitting in the desk next to me. "What?" When did he get there? He wasn't even in my class.

"Class ended. It's lunch time."

I glanced around, and sure enough, there were people coming into the room that I didn't know. When did that happen? Quickly standing up, I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the room behind my best friend. Thank god he saw me in here, otherwise I wasn't sure how long I would have been sitting there.

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