Chapter 12

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"So you are alive!"

I turned around at the sound of my best friend's voice. Jared was just walking up next to me at my locker. He didn't look like his normal happy self. Instead, his arms were crossed over his chest and there was a frown on his face.

"I think so," I replied, pulling my history textbook out of my locker. "I'm pretty sure you would know if I died."

"Well you might as well have died! I didn't hear from you once all weekend!"

"I was with Colton."

He sighed. "Colton, Colton, Colton. I swear, he's all you talk about anymore. When you actually talk to me."

I rolled my eyes at him. "It's not like you're not always talking about Becca." I took out a couple notebooks that I would need. I think that was it for now. "Becca this, Becca that."

"Cause she's my girlfriend."

I shut my locker and we started walking down the hallway together. "So? And Colton is my boyfriend."

"You need to talk to me more than him. Best friend always trumps."

"I know. But it was one weekend without talking to you. You survived it."


I shook my head as we stopped outside my classroom. "You're so needy sometimes. I'll see you later." Jared nodded his head slowly before walking off towards his own classroom.

I hadn't been able to see Colton yet this morning. Apparently he was running late, so I couldn't see him before homeroom. At least I'd be able to see him after this class, during lunch, I hoped.

Except I didn't see him during the first half of lunch. He wasn't at his table, and I didn't see him anywhere else. Until I left the cafeteria to use the bathroom.

I ran into Colton in the hallway. He was going into the cafeteria just as I was coming out. Where had he been all period? 

Colton's eyes lit up when he saw me, but only for a second. Then he turned and walked the other way.

Was he okay? He wasn't acting like himself, and that worried me.

I quickly went after him, following all the way into the bathroom. I found him leaning against one of the sinks, his head bowed. I'm not even sure he knew I was there.

"Hey," I said softly. Colton jumped and looked at me. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah. I just-" He cut himself off as the door opened and someone walked in.

Neither of us said anything until the kid left a minute later and we were once again alone.

"Are you sure you're okay, Colton?"

This time, he shook his head, not meeting my gaze. I went to hug him, wanting to comfort him, but he took a step back.

"I'm sorry. I just..." Colton shook his head again. "I can't... right now. I'm sorry." Then, without another word, he stepped around me and out of the bathroom.

I felt like the world was caving in around me.

He was mad at me, wasn't he? I didn't even know what I did! What could I have done to make him act like this? We had a really great weekend together, and now this?

I leaned against the back wall and slowly slid down to the floor. I didn't want to get up from here, even though I was very aware that I was sitting on the gross bathroom floor.

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