Chapter 25

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The music was blasting loudly throughout the entire house, but I couldn't hear it. All I could hear was the blood pounding in my ears as I pushed passed so many people, trying to get outside to get away from what I just saw.

Colton had moved on.

I stopped once I got to the sidewalk outside. I had nowhere else to go, unless I wanted to walk all the way way home. I was still just standing there, looking out at the dark, empty street when I heard my name being called behind me in a voice that I figured I'd never hear say it again.

But I didn't turn around, no matter how much I wanted to. I couldn't let him control me anymore. He moved on, and so should I.

"Elliot, I'm so sorry." Colton ran around me and stopped so that he was facing me, slightly out of breath. "About everything."

I crossed my arms over my chest, not sure how to respond. This was the first time he was even looking at me in two weeks, and the first thing he says is an apology. How was I supposed to take that? He hurt me too much to just forgive him that easily.

"Yo, Colton! Way to just leave me hanging there, man!" a voice called from behind me.

Colton looked over my shoulder at whoever had spoken, and I turned to look as well to see the kid he had just been kissing inside approaching us. Of course.

"Who's this you ran after?" the kid said as he went to stand next to Colton. He was speaking a little too loudly and slurring his words slightly. "He's cute."

"My ex."

With those two words alone, I felt like he had officially taken a big black marker and finally just crossed me out of his life for good. There really was no possibility for a future together, with the way he said it. And I think that hurt even more than seeing him with someone else.

I turned around, just wanting to get away from him. Obviously I didn't mean anything to him, so there was no point in staying here with him and his new boyfriend.

"Elliot, wait!" he called after me, but I didn't stop. What could he possibly have to say to me now that won't continue to break my heart?

The next thing I knew, he was standing in front of me, blocking my way to wherever it was I was heading - I hadn't even had a destination in mind yet, just anywhere that wasn't here.

"Please let me speak," Colton pleaded. He looked upset, but was that only because I had stopped him from making out with that guy? Not that that was my intention, but it still happened.

I sighed, giving in. "Fine."

He gave me a small smile of relief. "I am so sorry, Elliot," he started with, again. "I really am."

"About what? Breaking up with me? Or not even giving me a reason why? Or just for being an all-around jerk lately by completely ignoring my existence?" With each question, my voice was getting louder until I was actually yelling at him, all that pent up anger finally coming out at the one person who deserved it.

"All of it. Everything." Colton shook his head. "I never meant to hurt you."

I scoffed. "Yeah, well you did." I took a deep breath. "I loved you, Colton, and you shattered my heart."

That was kind of a lie, I still love him, no matter what he did to me, but seeing the pain that crossed his face when I said it like that kinda made me feel a little better. It wasn't nearly the same pain he had caused me, but it was something.

"I know," he said softly. "I know that, but I couldn't let you become even more attached because I knew I'd probably just end up hurting you more in the end."

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