Rat A Tat

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Yesterday was a horrible day. Because I'm in all honors classes with good grades, (don't ask me how) I have to go to an extra school thing on Saturday where I have two extra classes.

If you know me, you know there was bullying.

That wasn't really all that bad though, shit like that happens all the time. I was having a really tough time with some Math though and a bunch of snobby kids kept whispering about how I was an idiot and it was pouring rain.

Rainy days are the worst.

A long time ago they were the best, but now they're horrible. I came out (with some not good results) on a rainy day. I almost did some horrible things from a very tall tree on a rainy day. Rainy days are never good.

So you can expect that I get soaked and my sketchbook gets kicked int the mud by some assholes, right after I drew the cutest Peterick ever.

It was ruined.

So I get in my mom's car and she's driving me home and she says "You look horrible and you haven't eaten anything in days! Do you want that pizza you like from that place?"

First of all, I have been eating, just not very well. Second of all, that pizza she was talking about is actually warm, cheesy heaven on Earth. It's this super cheesy pizza with this awesome sauce drizzled over it and fresh tomatoes and just UGH. I'm a Taurus and it was actually a WET DREAM. LIKE THAT PIZZA WAS EVERYTHING.

Moving on from my foodgasm, I said yes.

So we go to the place and since my dog is with us I have to wait in the car with him while my mom gets it.

It takes forever to cook, but after half an hour of waiting in the car with my dog, she has a bag and two pizza boxes.

So apparently the place is a bakery too, so she got cookies and stuff for my siblings. I couldn't eat it in the car because of my dog, so I had to wait until we got home.

When we did get home she put the pizza box on the table, and it was the moment of truth. My stomach was growling and I was so hungry and I was fucking ready.

She opens the box agonizingly slowly and finally:

She got the wrong fucking pizza.

Instead of the cheesy, yummy goodness that I like, she got a fucking Ricotta pizza.

I was actually done.

Normally I would have brushed it off because it's just a fucking pizza, but now that pizza represented something horrible and I was about ready to curl up into a ball and die.

So I look up at my mom and just:

"It's the wrong pizza."

"Oh, what do you mean? I got a white pizza! Isn't that what you wanted?"

Ex-fucking-scuse me bitch?

I never in my entire life described that fucking pizza with the word white!

B i t c h.

So my brother sits down at the table and is really happy she got pizza from the good place while I'm just fucking done.

I know I'm overreacting and I know I'm being a weak bitch but I feel horrible and I can't help it.

I run to my room and straight up cry.

I sound like a complete idiot but I was having the worst day ever.

So my family has to go to some cheerleading thing for my sister and now I'm home alone, actually dying.

Then I hear my phone ring and glance at the screen.

The one person who always makes me smile.


"Kat! You sound so sad! Oh my god I'm coming over, have you been crying?"

*has obviously been crying* "No."

"Give me half an hour."

Wait, it gets better.

So I'm lying on the couch feeling over all awful when I hear the doorbell and I drag myself to answer it.

Guess who's at the door with her adorable rain boots and dazzling smile and soaked hair and little umbrella?


And she just hugs me and everything is okay again.

Then I smell something, the unmistakable smell that also makes me happy without fail.

She got the pizza.

Without even knowing!

I didn't tell her anything about it but she's so amazing that she got it for me anyway and oh my god I think I'm in love and it's not with the pizza.

So we sit on the couch and eat pizza and play wrestle like the fucking idiots we are and we're both soaked from the rain and we're just sitting there in our wet clothes and eating pizza.

I wouldn't trade anything about that day for the world.

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