I was tagged by DaAnimeLyfe so Fuck her! (Jk she's gr8) here y'all go!

1. Reading the milk fic (you knew this was coming so...)
2. Looking up fanart for the Gravity Falls fandom (So, so much twincest!*shudders*)
3. Being absorbed by at least ten million different fandoms (I'll make a list later)
4. Staying up til 2 AM in the Phandom the NIGHT BEFORE FINALS. I AM SMART
5. (This is my biggest regret ever) The death of the greatest gift on this Earth. MCR *eternal sobbing*
6. Tags existing cause I'm a lazy bean
7. Not properly learning how to cook, but always being hungry (#tauruslife)
8. Not getting enough merch (ppppfffft! I'm not a hoarder!)
9. Finding P!ATD post breakup
10. Becoming a fangirl, because honestly, it's the reason I can't breathe, never sleep, and have no life

I tag...


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