What About Love: Chapter 72

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(Jasmine's P.O.V)

I was the only one awake right now, lets face it who else's wakes up at 6 in the morning.

Apparently me.

I was on the couch watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, since there was barley anything on.

I guess the volume was sorta loud because Justin came out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

"Did I wake you?" I asked

"Yeah, kinda" He chuckled

"I'm sorry" I apologized

"It's fine" He sat down beside me

I put a pillow on my lap "sleep"

He laid his head and laughed.

"What?" I cracked a smile

"Your stomach is like right up against my face" Justin laughed

"Do you wanna lay your legs on me instead of your head?" I asked

"I didn't say I wasn't comfortable" He admitted

I nodded and started combing his hair with my fingers as I watched TV.

After a while I heard soft snores. I reached for the blanket on the top of the couch. I grabbed it and put it over him.

I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier till they closed.


"Did you take it?" Someone whispered

"I think" Another person whispered

"Dude just click the button and it'll flash"

Chaz and Ryan...

"Ok got it!" Ryan exclaimed

"Dude shut up! Dey sleepin!" Chaz spoke

I fluttered my eyes open and saw them taking pictures.

"Knock it off" I told them

"Oh sorry" Ryan whispered

"Did we wake you?" Chaz wondered

"Ma bad" Ryan sat down on the couch playing on his phone

"Go back to sleep" Chaz took a seat next to Ryan

"I can't, I'm not tired anymore" I yawned

"Stop.. Don't kiss him, he's not worth it.. He's cheating on you" Justin muttered in his sleep "You belong with me.. again"

"What?" I look at the guys

"Uhh. I dunno" Chaz shrugged

I glared at Ryan

"Ummm, he's probably dreamin" Ryan somewhat smiled

"No fuckin' duh" I rolled my eyes

"Someone is getting bipolar" Ryan chuckled

"Dude did anyone tell you when girls are pregnant its like being on their period but for 9 months" Chaz explained

"Chaz!" I shouted

"What?!" He smirked

"Quit screaming!" Justin yelled

"Sorry Jay" I combed his hair with my fingers

"HAHAHA! Dumbass get up you've slept enough" Chaz pushed Justin lightly with his foot

Justin groaned and sat up, stretching.

"Can you make lung Jaz?" Ryan questioned

"Sure" I smiled and got up "what do you guys want?"

"PBJ!" Chaz answered

"PANCAKES!" Ryan and Justin replied

"Ok" I walked into the kitchen


"Lunch is ready!!" I shouted

Chaz, Ryan and Chloe came running, taking a seat.

"Where's Cody?" I asked spreading butter on each pancake

They shrugged

I felt arms wrap around my waist "what about me?"

"I knew you would come, I know Justin never misses out on breakfast, lunch or dinner" I giggled

"They might not be dating but they sure look like their married" Chloe whispered to Ryan and Chaz

"Chloe your a horrible whisperer" Justin told her

"WELL! IT'S TRUE! I mean look ok this is how it would go! You 2 are the parents, plus it looks exactly what a married couple would do! The wife was making the kids something to eat and the husband comes from behind and kisses the wife's cheek! Am I wrong?!" Chloe explained

"I agree 100%" Chaz agreed

"Same here!" Ryan agreed

I rolled my eyes at them "whatever"

"Would you like win my wife?" Justin whispered in my ear

I shivered at his soft tone "why not" I smiled

"WHOA! WHOA! You guys might not be good whisperer a either! To much commitment!" Ryan stopped us

"True that!" Chloe nodded

Justin groaned "Shuuut uuupp!"

I giggled "can you give these to the, KIDS!"

"Haha, yeah" Justin took the plates and gave them to Chaz, Chloe, and Ryan

Me and Justin brought our own plates and started eating like the rest.

We all enjoyed lunch, laughing, joking, and plain talking.

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now