What About Love: Chapter 26

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I was still in the bathroom by myself. I still didn't let Justin in, weird thing is I fell asleep. It was like 8:00 right now.

I got up from the bathroom floor. I cleaned the cut and what not. I wasn't that big or deep but it did burn a lot.

Justin stopped begging to get in a half and hour ago. Im glad, well sorta glad. I really love when he begs I know he loves me when he does chase after me. I don't know I like the feeling.

I opened the bathroom door and walked out, no one I'm sight.

I walked over to my phone to see if it worked. No luck.

"Fuck!" I threw it again but towards the floor

I went into the closet and saw black skinny jeans and a hot pink wing shirt that's said 'Kiss and Tell', and I just put mascara on.

I guess Melissa, Scarlet, Angel, Chloe and I could go out or something. I really needed to get out.

I put a grey beanie on and slipped on my Supra's with spikes on them.

I walked downstairs an it was dead silent, no movement or talking.

Where did everyone go? I went in the elevator and clicked floor 1.

I started think about where everyone went. I was only in the bathroom for an hour and half.

Okay that sounds a little weird cause who would be in the bathroom that long?!


I had to walk since I didn't have keys or a car. I really don't know where I'm going. I had no phone, walking alone in the evening time, no car.

You would think Im scare but there's so many people

It's like if something happened people would help or do something so nothing would happen.

Anyway, I noticed I was close to the beach so I walked on the sand and close to shore but not to close so the water would reach me.

I took my sneakers off and just sat down on the sand, closed my eyes. It was peaceful and quiet just what I needed.

"Hi" I heard someone say

I opened my eyes and saw a random guy at my side. Bur I have to admit he was really cute.

He had brown spiky hair, perfect blue eyes, nice body. What are you doing!

You have Justin! Dumbass!

"Are you gonna reply?" he asked

"Oh uh sorry. Hi. One question do I know you?" I wondered

"No, at least you shouldn't I think I would remember a pretty face like yours" He smiled showing his pearly whites


"Sit, I'm Jasmine" I smiled back

He sat down next to me and his arm brushed against mine gaining goosebumps.

"That's a pretty name, I'm Cody"

"That's a nice name" I looked back at the ocean

"Do you come here often" He asked

"Nah I just came to Calli like couple hours ago, literally. So it's practically my first time" I answered

"Oh well want me to show you around. I don't mind" He questioned

"Sure, I'd like that" I grinned at him and stood up

He did the same and I brushed the sand off my butt.

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now