What About Love: Chapter 64

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(Justin's P.O.V)

We were boarding the plane, we, as in Chloe, Ryan and Chaz. Melissa ad Angel wanted to stay with Austin since he couldn't come, Scarlet had to stay, well cause Angel and he are sisters.

The flight was 11 hours, even better since Jasmine isn't here with me.

Note Sarcasm.

It would be 100 times better if Jasmine was with me right now.

"You okay buddy" Chloe out her had on my shoulder

"Hm? Yea I guess" I sighed

"It'll be alright, I promise. Once she sees you she'll fall back in love" She smiled

"You think so?" I looked Chloe

"I know so" She rubbed my arm and smiled then looked out the window

I couldn't help but smile myself. I decided to go to sleep since half the people were.

(Jasmine's P.O.V)

"Sunshine, wake up" A familiar voice shook me awake

"Whaaat" I groaned

"It's lunch time wake up, you sleep like so much!"

I sighed and got up like nothing

"Whoa, you wake up quickly" Cody chuckled

I rolled my eyes an looked three my wardrobe "what should I wear?"

"Anything you want" He replied

"Wow your no help" I picked out a pregnancy loose shirt "Leave"


"I'm not gonna let you watch me get undressed" I said in a duh tone

"Fiiinnne" He lazily got off my bed and walked out

I took my top off and put on the shirt I picked out. I didn't need pants because I wanted keep my fuzzy eor pajama pants.

I picked my hair up into a messy bun. I applied some mascara and lip gloss. I like when my eyes look bold.

I walked out if the room and saw Cody on laying on the couch with one hand behind his head and the other holding the remote surfing threw channels.

I sat on his legs and smiled at him.

"Cause you can't sit on the other couch" He said dramatically

"Haha, is that a problem that I like sitting with you" I giggled

"Well if you put it that way. I'm perfectly comfortable, in fact I feel a little too comfort--"

"Gross, Cody!" I quickly pushed myself off him

He started laughing

"Your so weird" I rolled my eyes while smiling

"I just wanted you to get off me, or did I?" He winked at me, making me blush

"Oh my gosh Cody, your such a retard" I hit his arm playfully then sat on the other couch


Cody and I have been watching movie for the past 2 hours. We were bored out of our minds so we decided to have a movie day.

I was currently eating chips and my stomach suddenly felt sick. I put the chips down and just tried to forget about it.

But it never left. I gaged and ran to the bathroom, Cody closely behind me.

I started throwing up as Cody rubbed my back. I spit once and wiped my mouth with toilet paper.

"Jazzy are you okay?" Cody asked with full concern filling his voice

"I'm just a little sic--" I was cut off by more vomit coming out if my mouth. Let me tell you one thing, it didn't leave behind a good taste.

I spit once again and went to the sink to wash out my mouth.

"Do you want anything?" Cody questioned

I shook my he while brushing my teeth.

"The babies sure wont like barbecue chips" He chuckled

I washed out my mouth from the tooth paste and spit.

"Yea, remind me never to eat barbecue chips" I walked out if the room

"Noted" He hugged me from the side

We sat down and I cuddled with his side.

*Knock, Knock*

"Should get that?" Cody wondered

"Nooo" I said with sarcasm

"Fine then you get it" Cody patted my head

"Your so lazy! You go get it!" I got up from his side and sat up

*Knock, Knock*

"What did you just say! Do you want me to tickle you!" Cody put his hand on his hip

"Ooo, I'm so scared" I waved my hands in the air

"You asked for it!" Cody explained and started tickling me

"Cody!... Stop!!.. I can't.. Breath!" I spoke my best between laughs

I took all my strength an pushed him off, I started 'running' toward the front door.

Cody coughs to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. As I opened the door he placed a soft kiss on my neck which stunned me.

"Justin?" "Jasmine?" Justin and I spoke at the same time

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora