What About Love: Chapter 61

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We were waiting in the waiting room for an hour! But it felt like forever! I only worried about Justin.

Pattie cried twice in the hour by Ryan and Chaz knew how to calm her down.

Usher and Scotter were just talking about something across the room. Melissa, Scarlet and Angel were sleeping on the chairs.

Chloe tired to comfort me but I was to concerned about Justin to care about anything else.

It was way to quiet and no one wee spoke unless Pattie started to cry and when Scooter and Usher would talk causally, which I didn't get. At'all!

"Ms. Mallette?" A nurse peeked her head from the corner

"Yes?" Pattie looked up, concern filling her eyes

"Justin is aloud visitors, but one at a time please" The nurse spoke and disappeared

"Do you wanna see him first?" Pattie smiles at me

"No, please you go. I'll wait" I grinned

"No it's okay, go ahead. I want you to go" Pattie put her hand on my shoulders

"Are you sure?" I asked

She nodded and nudged me forward

"God luck" Chloe whispered

I walked over to Justin's door. I clutched the knob and slowly twisted it.

I saw Justin sitting in his bed looking all beat up.

"Hi" I smiled

He frowned at me and turned his head back to the TV.

"What's wrong?" I moved to him

"Leave." I heard him whisper

"Justin.. What I do?" I asked confused at shit

"Jasmine, just go leave. I don't wanna see you right now" He glanced over to me

I felt my heart rip into 2 pieces then stepped on.

"I'm sorry.. For whatever I did" I said then left the room

What did I do?.. Not even a simple 'Hi' from him.. Maybe he's just... tired and doesn't know what he's saying.

(Justin's P.O.V)

"Jasmine, just go leave. I don't wanna see you right now" I glanced at her

I saw her expression fall, disappear, leave her emotionless. My heart felt so sorry for her but my mind kept telling me 'Don't fall for it, she kissed him right in front of you'

"I'm sorry.. For whatever I did" she said while leaving the room

I let sigh slither its way through my lips. I felt lost, not knowing what to do with my life anymore. Especially since I'm in this dump..

I heard the door creek open and saw my mom walk in.

"Honey? What was that?" Mom looked at me curiously

"What are you talking about?" I asked while shutting the TV

"Why did Jasmine walk out of your room crying?" Mom gave me a death glare

I felt extra bad.. I was the reason for her crying. I'm so stupid

"Uh... I dunno" I shrugged

"Justin Drew Bieber don't you lie to me I know you know." She put her hands in her hip

"Mom, I don't know with her anymore.." I said truthfully

"and that's suppose to mean, what? You don't love her anymore? Well your loss Justin because your staying with her. I know how it feels to be left alone an single mother and I won't let her feel that. Do you understand me!"

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now