What About Love: Chapter 41

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"Cody?" I stood up

"Oh my gosh!" Cody ran and gave me a tight hug

"Cody I'm sorry" I whispered

"For what?!" He backed away holding me by the shoulders

"Lying to you" I answered

"You never lied to me" He looked me in the eye

"Yes I did, I told I would call and I never did" I sighed

"I don't care about that right now, why are your crying?" He asked

"It's nothing" I smiled weakly

"Jasmine tell me, maybe I can help." He licked his lips

I took a deep breath before answering "Justin. He 'cheats' I guess you could say"

"Jasmine I'm sorry. uh let's go get your mid off things" He took my hand

I nodded and followed him into his car.

"Where are we going" I questioned

"Wherever you wanna go" He grinned

I shrugged "Laser Tag"

"Your y type of girl" He chuckled

I smiled and joined him


(Justin's P.O.V)

"I feel so stupid!" I shouted

"Justin, don't focus on that right now you need I get out there and sing." Scooter spoke

"I lost Ryan, Chaz, and Jasmine!" I threw my glass cup

It hit the wall and smashed ini a million pieces.

"Okay I don't think you should go out right now. Go back in your dressing room and change, we're going home" Scooter pointed to my dressing room

"No, I can't leave my Beliebers down" I told him and walked out on stage

The crowd got loud and I adjusted the mic.


The crowed cheered and shouted.



(Jasmine's P.O.V)

"What if they find us?" I asked

"Shh, if your quiet they won't" He whispered in response

My back was touching the wall while Cody stood in front of me watching out for anyone trespassers.

I was only inches away from his face. He looked up at me and his face got closer.

"Your really pretty in the dark" He smiled

"Thank you." I grinned

He was getting closer and closer. I really wanted to kiss him, but it just didn't seem right.

I felt his lips touch mine, then a flash went off. I quickly pushed Cody away from me.

"Ha-Ha got you twos eyes in a picture" A little idiot boy said

"You better delete that" I glared at him

"What are you gonna do about it" He raised a brow

"Where's your gun" I asked

"Oh dang! Uh please don't shoot me!" He begged

"Only if you delete thy picture" I told him

"Deal" he started okay I on his phone then said "it deleted, bye!"

"Why did you wanna him to delete the picture so badly?" Cody asked

"Because if Justin saw that boy would he be mad" I shook my head

"I thought you guys broke up" He looked at me weirdly

"More like a break" I shot a guy passing

"Damn!" The guy said and left

"Why aren't you broken up" Cody wondered

"It's complicated. Im pregnant and he's the father so ya" I spitted out

"What?!" He looked at me wide eyes

"Uh yea" I smiled weirdly

"I thought you gained weight but I din want I say anything. But why" He asked

"Why what?"

"Why Justin" He answered

"Because I love him! what kind of question is that?!" I replied

"Well it doesn't seem like he loves you"

"Whatever Cody,you have no right to say that!" I fast walked away

"Jasmine! Jasmine wait!" Cody called out

"Shut up and leave me alone!" I shouted


(Justin's P.O.V)

I was leaving the arena by myself in my car, alone.

It was 10:12 at night. There wasn't to many people on the streets but I was 10 minutes away from the hotel.

I saw a girl walking really slow and alone.

I drove up next to her and lowered my window.

"Hey" I drove slowly

"What do you want Justin" She rolled her eyes

"Jasmine?" I stopped the car and got out

"Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood." She kept walking

"At least let me drive you to the hotel" I grabbed her arm

"Justin seriously let go" She wiggled her arm

"No, what you gonna do about it?" I asked

She sighed "Let go"


"Justin let g--"

I cut her off by smashing my lips on hers. Surprisingly she kissed back but backed away.

"I can't" She continued to walk

"What's that supposed to mean, your going out with someone else already" I said in sarcasm

"No I'm mad at you" Jasmine replied

"Can we just put it behind us Jaz, please" I took out the ring from my back pocket

She looked in my eyes and took a deep breath "I don't know"

"Please Jasmine ill never hurt you again" I begged

"Ill never come back took of you do, you understand" She glared at me but in a silly way

I nodded quickly and she took her hand out. I slid the ring on her ring finger and pecked her lips.

"I love you. Your my #1 girl" I whispered

She looked a me with worry in her eyes but smiled anyways..

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon