What About Love: Chapter 27

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(A/N Just posted the picture of the dress)

"Morning beautiful" Justin smiled

"Whhaaat" I groaned

"Get up" He said helping me sit up

"But I don't wanna" I whined

"But you have to" He patted my back

"Whhyyyy" I kicked my feet

"Because its 12:00" He says "no morning kiss"

"No. Cause you woke me" I got of the bed and crossed my arms

He kissed my cheek from behind. I turned around and laced my arms around his neck.

"Now?" he smirked

Before I could answer he started kissing my lips.

I pulled away "that's it"

He sighed "wanna go to a party tonight"

"What kind if party" I asked

He shrugged "a celebrity party"

"Ooo! yes! what am I gonna wear!"

"Uh wear the dress you bought last night" He said in a duh tone

"Right. okay. So what are we doing today" I wondered

"Wanna go to the movies and watch a horror movie" He suggested

"No! You know I hate scary movies." I walked I. The closet

"Oh come on! Ill be there to protect you" He tugged on My arm

"Maybe." I smiled

"Can I pick what you wear today" he asked

"Okay?" It came out more like a question

He was looking through my clothes till he found grey baggy sweatpants and three them at me, then he took out one of my purple tight shirts that made my boobs look big.

"Uh why this?" I asked holding up the shirt

"Cause it looks sexy, now put it on" He demanded

I sighed and took my pajamas off and put the clothes Justin found for me.

"Wow I got a nice preview of your body" He smirked

"Shut up." I punched him in the arm lightly and walked out of the closet

I went in the bathroom and combed my hair.

"Can I fix your hair?" Justin asks

"Sure?" I handed him the brush

He started combing my hair and left it down, he walked out and back in with my grey beanie.

He fixes it on my head and smiles "there"

"Wow. But this shirt, I don't like it my boobs look big with this shirt." I turn towards him

"That's the good part" He smirked

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. I slipped on my Black Supras with silver spikes sticking out from the sides and the front middle part.

"So sexy"

I turned around and saw Justin leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"Can you not be like this for a day" I made my hand in a claw form

"Like what"

"Just get ready" I shooed him to the closet

"Can you pick" he asked

"Let's match!" I ran in the closet

I pulled out some grey sweatpants from his side of the closet and a blue shirt. I walked out of the closet and saw Justin I. Just his boxers but my attention was on his abs.

"Like what you see" Justin smirked

I shook my head lightly an threw the clothes at him. He put then on and I found Justin sweatshirt in the closet and put it on.

It was big on me and the sleeves covered my hands that's how long it was. But the length if the shirt was at my hips.

I walked out and Justin smiled "now all you have to do is waddle"

"Like this" I giggled while clapping my hands I front of me and waddling around

He both started laughing but it died down.

"Ready" he asked

I noticed he put his grey beanie on and his hair was spiky in the front the rest of his hair was covered b the beanie.

"Yep" I answered popping the 'p'

He took my hand and tangled our fingers together while walking down the stairs.

-27 minutes later-

Justin and I were sitting in the middle section of the movie theater. Watching 'Insidious Chapter 2'.

The movie started like 5 minuets ago and I'm not looking forward of seeing more.

Good luck to me..... *sigh*


Heya! Not an exciting chapter but they will soon, I think... I did post the picture of the dress like a couple hours ago. I said I would post a picture of the dress Jasmine saw an I did:)

Gnite (stupid school tomorrow):(

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