What About Love: Chapter 45

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I woke up on a bed surrounded by white walls and a IV in my hand. I saw Chaz and Ryan sleeping on the chairs at the foot of the bed.

"Chaz. Ryan" I whispered

There was bread on a tray sitting on a table next to the bed. I tried to grab it but my arm hurt.

I winced at the feeling, I saw a band aid covering a spot on my arm. I probably got a shot or something.

I couldn't grab it with my other hand because it had the IV in it and I wasn't gonna let it wiggle around hurting me more.

I tried again and still the pain shut through my arm but I grabbed the bread anyways and just ignored it.

I threw the bread at Chaz an hit him right on the head. CHI-CHING! He woke up quickly clutching the arm rest of the chair.

"Sorry did I scare you" I giggled

"Oh Jaz your awake" He rubbed his eyes

"Why how long was I out?" I asked

"Like an hour" Chaz answered "dude wake up" he shook Ryan awake

"What the fuck man. I wanna slee- oh hey Jaz, your awake" Ryan smiled

I looked at him weirdly and nodded

"Did you get any news on Justin?" Ryan asked Chaz

Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about Justin!

"Where is he?! Is he okay!? What happened!?" I questioned frantically

"Take a chill pill will ya he's fine. He lef--" Ryan was interrupted by Chaz elbowing his arm

I had a feeling they were keeping something from me. I gave them a suspicious look.

"When can I get out if here" I asked

"When the doctor comes in and sees that you and the baby are fine" Chaz replied

I nodded "when's that?"

They shrugged

Just then the doctor walks in "hello Jasmine"


"So we took pictures of the babies, it's perfectly fine and so are you. Do want the picture of your babies" The doctor asked

Me, Chaz and Ryan looked confused at the doctor.

"What do you mean 'babies'? I'm only having one girl" I said

He shook his head while taking the IV out of my hand "your having fraternal twins"

I looked at him with my eyes wide "what?!"

"Do you know the genders?" Ryan asked

The doctor nodded "boy and a girl"

I inhaled and exhaled deeply "yes I want the pictures"

"Okay your all set, I'll just go grab the pictures" The doctor walks out

"Wait till you brake the news to Justin" Chaz chuckled

"Why are you laughing?" I wondered

"Justin's gonna go crazy." Ryan laughed

"Why? Why is he gonna go crazy?!" I asked wanting an answer

"Because he's not expecting it" Chaz stopped laughing

I got the feeling that Justin nevertheless wanted a baby in the first place.

The doctor came in handing me the pictures "there ya go"

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now