What About Love: Chapter 43

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I was so worried, Logan and Jacob will be here in 10 minuets. They were driving here from the airport.

"Babe stop worrying" Justin gave me a glass of water then sat down next to me

I took a sip feeling the cool liquid go down my throat "how Justin, how do I calm down? what if my dad sent them to check on me? Their gonna walk right threw that door and see me like this"

He kissed my temple and smiled "everything gonna be alright"

I sighed and got up from the couch "Ow! Justin my stomach.! Hurts!"

He quickly got up and helped me stand "do need anything"

"It fuckin' hurts! Take me to our room!" I shouted

Making Melissa, Chaz, Angel, Ryan, and Scarlet run in the room

"Is everything okay?!" Ryan asked

"Yea she just having a little pain" Justin answered

"I'll go by myself!" I tried to walk away

But then I started to wobble and I was gonna fall to the floor but the. Chaz and Ryan helped me up before I would clasped on the floor.

Justin chuckled "You can't"

"Oh shut up!" I cringed at the pain

"Do something take her in the room stop making her wait" Angel says

"He's a dumbass" I winced "JUSTIN HELP ME!"

He picked me up bridal style and took me to the bedroom.

"Better baby" He smiled

I nodded "thank you"

I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll see who it is" with that Justin left

I groaned the listened closely at the voices outside the room.

"Hey Logan!" I heard Melissa

"Hey everyone!" Jacobs voice spoke

"How are you Jacob?" I heard Chloe ask

"I'm good, where's Jasmine?" Jacob questioned


Please no pleassse!

"In our room" Justin answered


I heard foot steps come closer, I quickly got off the bed and ran in the bathroom.

Then I heard the door close.

"Jasmine?" Logan's voice called out

I slowly walked out of the bathroom knowing I would regret showing my face.

"What the fuck!" Jacob slightly yelled wide eyed

"Who did this to you?!" Logan asked with his mouth gaped open

"Uh.. Justin" I replied

Jacob got closer to me "listen your fuckin' 18!"

He grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the floor.

"Dude calm down!" Logan shouted

"Shut up Logan, this bitch is just a dumb blonde in disguise." Jacob spat

I flinched at the sound of his voice. I wish Justin would just walk in.

Jacob kneeled down and whispered in my ear "Dumb blonde wanna be"

He smacked me like there was no time for tomorrow and left.

Logan ran over to me and helped me up "are you okay?"

I rubbed my cheek "Get away."

"What?" he wondered

"Leave Get away from me!" I shouted

"Babe is everything okay?!" Justin barged in

He saw me sitting on the floor and Logan backing away from me.

"What's going on?" Justin asked again

Logan pushed past him and left.

Justin ran towards me and removed my hand from my face and saw the big red spot on my cheek "oh my gosh"

"Justin I'm fine."

"No your not who did this to you?" He ran his thumb over the bruise

"It doesn't matter Just help me up"

He put my arm around his shoulder and he snaked his arm around my waist.

He walked over to the bed and sat us down "tell me"

"Jacob" I answered

He quickly it and and left the room in an instant.

I tried to walk after him but no use.


What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now