What About Love: Chapter 56

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(Jasmine's P.O.V)

Justin and I have been walking for what felt like hours. I was literally freezing my ass.

"Justin. I'm tired" I said quietly

"I know baby, me too. We might have to stay over night"

I sighed "we might as well get started. Right?"

Justin nodded "I'm gonna go find some firewood. Stay here"

I took my phone out while Justin walked away.

No bars.

I put it back in my pocket and looked around. So disgusting, and I'm gonna have to sleep here tonight.

Disgusting.. I thought. How he touched me, kissed me. The way he smirked.

I smacked myself, no not mentally.

"Why did you just smack yourself?" I turned my head and saw Justin pulling down wood

"To wake me up a little" I lied

"Okay..?" Justin says sounding like he knew I was lying but didn't say nothing

I sat down on a tree trunk that was laying on the ground.

"You okay?" Justin rubbed 2 pieces of firewood together

"Yea, I'm fine" I slightly smiled


Justin put his jacket on the ground as a pillow. I laid my head next to Justin's and he smiled.

"Your so beautiful" He grinned

"I get that a lot from you" I smirked

"Because its true" He winked

I get my cheeks hear up then he put his hand on my cheek

"I love it when you blush" He skimmed my lips

"and I love your smile" I said while my finger ran down his flawless jawline

"I love you." He smirked

"Well when you put it that way I have to say I hate you" I joked

"Laugh laugh laugh" He smiled

"You know I love you no matter what" I pecked his lips

I closed my eyes

"Goodnight babe" Justin whispered


"Rico, Potter you'll get the girl. Kevin and Joker will make sure Justin doesn't wake up and he does you two knock him out. I, will make sure no ones around" I heard voiced murmur

Rico, Joker, Potter, Kevin and Dean!!! No! No! No! No!

I felt two people grab me and placed a hand over my mouth. I screamed as loud as I could with Rico's gross hand over my mouth.

I bit Rico's hand and he snatched it away.

"DON'T HURT HIM!" I shouted referring to Justin

I saw Justin's eyes jerk open then I started crying as Kevin elbowed his head and Joker kicked his stomach.

I knew Justin was out cold. I started to sob and scream but Potter yanked me back and dragged me away with Rico.

Dean was laughing like an idiot that he is. Joker and Kevin just followed smiling thinking they were all tough. TOUGH LIKE MY ASS!

I mentally sighed, I thought this was all over.

It's never gonna be over till they get what they want...

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now