"Holly you weirdo!! Why are you just standing there watching me" she shouts taking her headphones off holding her chest.

I'm bent over laughing at her with tears in my eyes holding my stomach. "Stop laughing at me" she says hitting my head and I fend her off. "I nearly wet my pants!" She scoffs but joins in laughing.

"I shouted to you when I got back with dinner but no one answered and I did knock but obviously you were busy" I gasp out trying to calm down pointing at her.

"What did you get for dinner?" She asks rubbing her stomach.

I roll my eyes at her. Where does she put it all the girl is a gannet! She is so petit but could eat her body weight in food and not put on a pound. So unfair. "Chinese. It's in the kitchen do you want to come down now?" I ask


"Have you seen mum?" I ask. "Her car is there but she didn't answer when I shouted.

"Maybe she went out a walk?" Poppy says walking past me out the door and I follow behind.

"You go and set everything out i'll go check her room." I say heading towards my Mums room.

I knock the door but there's no answer. Deciding to check if she's maybe on the phone or something I poke my head in slowly.

The first thing I notice is how dark it is but then I noticed the stale smell in the room. Is she sleeping? I can see her on the bed and walk over to her. I kick something on my way and look down to see it was a bottle of wine. Looking around the floor I can see at least five more bottles and some cans of beer lying around.

Suddenly getting flash backs to that night two years ago when I found her in here unconscious from the amount she had drank and unsure if she had taken an overdose.

I begin to panic and walk over to her in the bed. The first thing I do is check that she is breathing and let out a huge breath I hadn't realised I had been holding when I see she is in fact sleeping.

Shaking her she moans but doesn't wake up. "Mum! Mum!" I say in a shaky breath. Please let theses bottles and cans be from days ago.
"Mum wake up dinner is here!" I say in her ear not wanting to frighten her but she just waves me off.

"Mum come on" I say getting frustrated now that she has been drinking again and hiding it.

No wonder I couldn't find any drink the other night. She has been hiding it in here. Has she even been to work this week? Thinking back I can't remember seeing her at breakfast or her car moving from the spot it's in tonight. Has she been sacked?

"Mum!" I say angrily mainly for her lying to us but also at myself for not noticing sooner. I've been so wrapped up in my own little bubble I've been ignoring the signs.

"Fuck off!" She shouts. Not good! My mum has a fiery temper with that Scottish blood running through her. "Get out my room!"

"Mum get up!" I shout pulling at the covers

She sits up and turns to look at me settling her bloodshot eyes in my direction. Looking at her I can see she's still in the clothes I seen her in on Wednesday night.

"Have you been to work?" I ask taking in her greasy hair and rumpled clothes.

"Nope!" She says popping the p like a child. "What do you care anyway I could of rotted away in here and you wouldn't have even noticed. You and your sister are ungrateful bitches!" She sneers getting out of the bed and coming towards me making me take a step back from her shaky form.

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