The begining

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A/N If you want regual that's not me so dont even start this if you will never finish. Ok. I guess I'll start now.

"Omg sam your mom" said my best friend Avery as I was yelling at my now ex-boyfriend.

"A what about my mom" I asked scared.

"Shes been shot, a guy was looking for your dad but they found your mom and to send a message he shot her."

My heart sank I couldn't imagine my mom being shot. EVER. "We need to get to where she is can you come too if something happened I want you to be there."

At Sam's house

"Mom" I calls as I enters my parents bed room where my mom layed flat on her back, blood Coming from her chest right above her heart.

"Im sorry but you cant come in here knowing your her child will only make it worst to tell you this" said my mothers docter, dr.kin.

"What do you need to tell me dr.kin I can handle it."

"I don't think you can sammatha your just a kid this will hurt so badly."

"Dr.kin I'm 16 about to be 17 in 4 month I think I can handle this."

"If you say so but I much rather wait for your father to come home." I walk away disapointed what could be that bad that she couldnt tell me.

"Sam you ok"A asked.

"Yea just peachy now I have to wait for my father to come home the person that did this to her" I answered repelled at the idea of waiting for my step father a man I call my father cause I never knew my real father.

*3 hours later sam's step father came home

"Where have you been I was begining to think he got to you too" I said to him.

"I'm sorry to worry you sam but thats not the biggest issue here your mother is" He replied back.

"Well you matter too your the only other family I got and if she dies-" I was cut off by the doctor.

"It's nice to know you have a little faith Sam" I blushed.

"Mr.Playpen your wife is in a very critical condition we don't know if she will ever come out of we are very sorry" DR.kin told us.

My heart sank I cant belive this is happening to me one minute my life is fine the next my mom's in critical condition and it's my dad's fault. I wonder if the police know about this and if they are doing anything to stop him.

After pondering about this for awhile I saw that I need to go to the police and tell them myself.

"Dad does the police know about this" I asked wide eyed.

"Yes they do Sam but they said they are doing everything to find the man who did this" he answered. I guess we will just have to wait and see if the police catch him.

A/N dont forget to coment I really wanna know what you guys think. Yes I edited I'm doing it for all the chapters.

The White Rose (1st book in trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now