(A/N)Thank You

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Hi guys!So that's it,story's done.Don't worry,I've got another Minecraft Story Mode story in mind.It's about Magnus and Ellegaard,so if you guys wanna see that,just say in the comments.But back to the matter at hand here.Thank you all so much!This is the most successful story I've written,thanks to you,and I need to tell you something.This story was a mistake.I had written the first two chapters about two months before I published the story.It was just something I wanted to do,I didn't think it was good enough to publish!So when I accidentally published the third part instead of keeping the story a draft,I just thought I'd let you guys read the first three parts anyway,see if you guys wanted to see a MCSM story.And it shocked me.A hundred reads in two days.Wow.I was astonished,I was so happy!This is all thanks to you guys.If you hadn't liked this story,voted,commented,all that stuff,I wouldn't have continued.But now I'm at the point where I'm dying to write another one!This story is all thanks to you guys!Give yourselves a pat on the back.This story is all thanks to you.

Once again,thank you all,JJ The Introvert!

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