Magnus And Ellegaard

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"HELP US!"Jesse yelled,helping Ellegaard off of the horse.

She turned around and saw Axel,Em,Petra and Olivia running towards her with the magnus zombie behind them.Ivor and Harper opened the house door,Soren and Gabriel coming up behind them.They saw Ellegaard,and rushed forward.

"What happened to her?"Gabriel asked.

"Magnus bit her!"Jesse answered.

Axel ran into the house,the zombie following him in.He ran through the iron door and down into the lab.

"In here!"Harper called,opening another Iron door.

Axel ran in,gasping for breath,when the zombie followed him in.

"GET OUT!"Ivor yelled.

Axel rushed out.Harper just about managed to close the door before Magnus got out.Jesse helped Ellegaard limp over to the couch.By now,the green liquid had spread to almost every vein in her body.

"Get her in here,fast!"Soren said,gesturing to the wooden door in the corner of the room.

Jesse put her arm under Ellegaards shoulder as Olivia put her arm under the other.They helped her up and carefully walked her to the door.Soren opened it,and inside was a bedroom.It was kinda nice,white walls,black carpet,redstone lamps and  a bed.The lowered Ellegaard onto it and backed away.

"This isn't good"Soren panicked,investigating her infected shoulder.

"Will she be okay?"Olivia asked.

"Hardly!She has about three or four hours left before her organs shut down"Soren answered.

"What can we do to help her?"Jesse asked.

"There's no cure for a zombie bite.If a person is bitten,they need to eat human flesh to turn into a zombie.If they don't,then their organs won't survive the toxic fluids filling their bloodstreams"Soren explained.

"So  what do we do?Just sit around here waiting for her to die?"Olivia asked.

"I don't like it as well,but we may have to face the fact tha-"

Before he could finish,Jesse threw the arm's of her armor onto the floor.She held out her arms.

"I'll do it.I'll let her eat some of my flesh"she explained.

"Jesse are you crazy!?That's suicide!"Olivia snapped.

"Listen to Olivia,Jesse.If an infected victim eats any of your flesh,you'll be infected!"Soren agreed.

"I don't care!If Ellegaard becomes a zobie,you can cure her!I won't let ANYONE else die today!"Jesse snapped.


Olivia and Jesse ran back into the first room and saw Magnus through the glass wall.He was lying on the floor,unconscious.

"What did you do?"Olivia asked.

"We gave him the potion and the apple!"Ivor answered.

Out of nowhere,Jesse heard a groan.She turned around and saw Magnus through the glass,with his eyes open!His green skin was slowly fading to pale,and his eyes were their normal black.

"What happened?"he asked.

"MAGNUS!"everyone yelled.

Ivor opened the door,and everyone except Harper and Em ran in.

"What's going on?There's someone trying to sleep in here!"Soren snapped,opening the wooden door.

He noticed Magnus coming out of the glass room.He rushed over,a huge smile appearing on his face.

"Hey Soren"Magnus greeted.

"Magnus,my friend!It's so good to see you again!"Soren exclaimed.

"Yeah.How long was I gone?"Magnus asked.

"Almost a year!"Axel answered.

"We all missed you so much,Magnus!"Olivia said.

"Especially Ellegaard!"Petra mentioned,a fangirl as usual.

"Ellie?Really?She missed me?"Magnus asked.

"More than any of us!You should have heard how she talked about you!"Gabriel laughed.

"Yeah!He was so funny,and energetic,and quick thinking!"Axel said.

"Huh.Where is she anyway?"Magnus asked.

Nobody answered.Jesse glanced over to the wooden door.

"She's in there"she sighed,leading Magnus over.

She opened the door.

"Hey Ellegaard!Heard ya missed....."

Magnus lost his grin.Ellegaard was lying on the bed,unconscious.Sickening green veins were visible,as if her skin were made of paper.She was incredibly pale,and the purple bruise on her shoulder had spread to almost her entire arm!

"What happened?!"Magnus demanded.

"She was bitten by a zombie"Jesse answered.

"And you didn't defend her?!"Magnus snapped.

"No Magnus,you don't understand!We couldn't hurt you!"Jesse tried to explain.

"What do you mean 'me'!?"Magnus asked.

"You!We had to cure you!When you were a zombie,you tried to bite me.Ellegaard pulled me out of the way and you attacked her instead.You bit her shoulder,and she got infected"Jesse explained.

Magnus froze.

"I.....I did this to her?"he asked.

"It wasn't your fault,Magnus!Herobrine was controlling you!"Jesse replied.

"I.....How.....I couldn't!I would never do anything like this to her!I couldn't have!"Magnus panicked.

"Magnus!It.Wasn't.You!Herobrine turned you into a zombie!You weren't in control!"Jesse snapped.

"What's Herobrine!?"Magnus asked,calming down.

"It''s a spirit!It possessed Lukas ans stole this potion...a.....a regen potion!It made Lukas drink it and now it's controlling him and getting zombies to go after towns people!"Jesse explained.

"How do we stop it?"Magnus asked.

"I'm still working on that part,but I think I've got a plan!"Jesse answered.

"Please tell me it involves saving Ellie?"Magnus begged.

"I'm not sure,but I think this'll work!"Jesse answered.

"If we can get Herobrine to leave Lukas's body,we can destroy it.A few of us should stay behind and protect Ellegaard"Jesse explained.

"How do we save her?!"Magnus snapped.

"That's where you come in!I need you to go out and get some human flesh,get Ellegaard to eat it,and she'll turn into a zombie.Once you've got that done,Gabriel and Soren can turn her into a human again!"Jesse explained.

"Are you sure that'll work?"Magnus asked.

"No,but I have hope!If we defeat Herobrine,maybe all the zombies will turn into corpses again!If you keep Ellegaard alive for long enough,then maybe the green blood will leave her system!Only use the flesh plan as a last resort,okay?"Jesse asked.

"Okay.Thanks for saving me,Jesse"Magnus answered.

"Thank Ellegaard when she wakes up"Jesse said,smirking.

"Good luck out there,Jesse"Magnus mentioned.

"Thanks..."Jesse sighed.

"We'll need it!"

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